Chapter 5: Departure

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The picture above was going to be wallpaper originally but it wasn't a good size

Today was the day. I, Kuzan Kaito, will finally leave this island. I, Kuzan Kaito, has also been avoiding the 3 annoying kids for a couple of weeks. Whenever I heard Luffy coming, I would instantly jump to a tree. Precautions.

Only once this month,  I saw the 3 children and that was because they were being loud and running around with gold bags which I would assume came from stealing. Truth be told, leaving this island was a lot harder on me than I thought it would be. Not that I would ever publicly admit it. I would miss the kids

"Look at how this turned out" I muttered as I picked up the dead tiger and carried it with the wind as I walked to Foosha Village and as I was looking down- I suddenly bumped into someone. It was the one I was avoiding- Sabo. He instantly looked at me with pleading eyes and I was about to walk away before his arm grabbed my wrist

"Please help us. Luffy got kidnapped" I felt my heart sink and as much as I would love to say 'Should have thought of that before you pointed a gun at me' I knew that would be childish at the expense of someone else's life

"Where is he?" I asked impatiently not turning to look at Sabo

"We don't know. But I think he is being tortured by Bluejam, a pirate which we stole from" Sabo said guiltily

"I will try find him" I said firmly as I raised myself in the air and started flying. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find it. Until I heard a shout then a scream which seemed to be Luffy's. I instantly followed the voice and I found myself in front of a small ship on the sea.

I guess this was the torture location. I said as I lowered myself onto the top ship.

"Porchemy. There is somebody near our Jolly Roger" a male voice said

"Call me Captain you idiot. Very well. Let me deal with it" a loud voice replied before stepping out of what I assumed a room

"Boy with the purple hair near our Jolly Roger. What do you want?" Porchemy threatened raising his fist

"Nothing except Luffy, the boy you are torturing" I replied while putting my face in my hand clearly bored

"Who do you think you are?" Porchemy said angrily before throwing one of his gloves at me. The glove light skimmed by shirt 

"Captain Porchemy. That is the kid that defeated 'Blood Maniac'  Axel " a relatively short man said to the big man named Porchemy

"I am Porchemy of the Bluejam Pirates. Surrender you idiot" Porchemy shouted angrily pointing his fist at me

"Wind Wave" I said before throwing a weak wind wave

"Was that meant to hurt" he laughed mockingly

"You want to be hurt . Your wish is granted, Ferocious Wind Tornado" I said quietly as I raised my hand over my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ace and Sabo battling some pirates. Suddenly, a pirate knocked Sabo's pipe out of his hand and was going to kill him before I said

"Sharp Rain" I said before sending a huge wind wave in the air. As quickly as it rose, it suddenly split up into many little wind debris that I learned to see but unfortunately for them- they couldn't see. I saw Porchemy getting thrown around by the massive tornado surrounding the ship.

"Take this as your warning. Come back to do us any harm and I will kill you" I said coldly before using wind to throw him far far away from us. I noticed Sabo and Ace were just lying there looking at me kind of shocked. I turned my head away from them and walked into the room Luffy was kept in. He was all bloody- clearly tortured. He was a sorry sight. He suddenly started crying

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