Chapter 22: One Where She Finds Out

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*Third Person's POV*

After two weeks, Sasuke was sitting in his room looking at the board full of Sakura's pictures. Unfortunately, Naruto took it with too much seriousness and decided to gift Sasuke with it(not that Sasuke minds).

He told Itachi and Naruto about his crush. Turns out Itachi already new and he and Naruto suspected it but the reason he told them was because Sasuke was in crisis. Sakura thought about them as friends and it annoyed Sasuke. There wasn't slightest hope that she liked him more then friends. Oh, how much Sasuke wished he was still in the elementary school, at least he would have a chance with her.

"Sasuke! Are you even listening to me?!" Naruto snapped his fingers in front of Sasuke's face. He quickly snapped out of the trace and glared at the blonde.

"No. What were you saying?" Naruto sighed and explained again why he doesn't have a chance with Sakura.

"I know that dobe! Tell me something I don't know." He yelled.

"Well, after she left, as you know, she called me almost everyday and told me how much she struggled to forget you, thank god I lost my feelings towards her years ago or else it wouldn't be nice to listen. She told me that you broke her heart by saying that she was annoying and other stuff. Though, she still loved you and said that she might get over her feelings but a part of her would always love you." Hearing this made Sasuke's heart clench from pain but also fill with a little hope.

"Unfortunately, she got boyfriend while she was away. Rest, I do not know." Now that made Sasuke recall all the times Sakura avoided the topic 'ex boyfriend'.

"They broke up. There's nothing unfortunate about that." Sasuke stated lazily and took a bite of his tomato.

"The point is that she might still have feelings for her ex! How the hell am I the smart one here?!" Naruto sighed as if the world was on his shoulders.

Ingoring his last statement, Sasuke pointed, "The song that she sang on her concert, she might have been singing about her ex." Than it hit him. "Wait here!" He ran towards Itachi's room. Young Uchiha remembered that Itachi said he met Sakura when she was away. He might now something about her boyfriend. He searched in all of the social media but never found the guy's name or anything, just some pics with Sakura, where both of them were hiding their faces.

"Itachi, do you know who's Sakura's ex?" Sasuke blurted out as he opened the door. Itachi and Izumi looked at him as if he ruined the moment but Sasuke didn't really care much.

"I can't tell you that, Sasuke." Sasuke rolled his eyes. ''Yes, you can. I'm your favourite brother.''

''You're his only brother.'' Izumi stated. Sasuke glared at her and she waved it with a laugh.

''C'mone, Itachi, tell me!''

''Fine. But promise me, you won't tell Sakura that I told you, and that you won't do something reckless.''

''Promise.'' Sasuke nodded.

''He's name is Akasuna no Sasori. He is in the Akatsuki and I'm friends with him. He and Sakura dated for and year or more, I don't exactly know. Sasori's not someone to mess with. I don't know the details of why they broke up but I think Sasori cheated on her, and whatever you're thinking, don't do it. I recommend that you don't mention him with Sakura."

"I won't." He said and left his room. On the other room, Naruto waited patiently.

"Where have you been?!" He yelled.

"I just asked Itachi about Sakura's ex." Sasuke stated.

"And how would Itachi know about him?"

"Well, he's friends with him. He's name is Akasuna no Sasori and Itachi said he probably cheated on Sakura and that's why they broke up."

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