Chapter 35: Prom - Final

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*Third Person's POV*

"Forehead, get up!" Ino's loud voice brought Sakura from her dreamland. She glared at her best friend, irritated from waking her up.

"Oh, don't look at me like that! We have to get ready for the prom, we haven't even found the perfect dress and you're not even up!" Yamanaka yelled again and despite Sakura's efforts, she still dragged her out of bed.

After changing, Sakura took few sandwiches from the table and followed enthusiastic Ino. "Where are we going?" She asked in a sleepy voice.

"To the mall! The girls are waiting for us! Oh, by the way, Mrs Uchiha called, she asked if you could stop for few minutes, she has something for you!"

Sakura stared at her confusedly, but still sat in the car with her.

"We're here!" Ino called as they approached their friends.

"Finally!" Temari exclaimed. "Where have you been?"

"Someone didn't want to leave her bed." Ino rolled her eyes and others giggled.

They walked for almost two hours. Ino brought them to the best dress shop and they tried thousands of dresses until finding the perfect one.

"Now, where should we go?" Tamaki asked and the girls shrugged.

"I wouldn't say no to a cup of coffee." Sakura said with a grin and others agreed.

"Then, let's go to our favourite café!" Ino said and started walking.

While waiting for their coffee, girls started chatting.

"So, how's it going with your new band?" Temari asked Sakura.

"Oh, it's going slowly! We have few songs, but no name fore the band." She frowned. "Dahlia said people liked our performance and some wanted us to form a band and personally she loved the idea and so did I but we have no idea what to call our band."

"N-Naruto-kun had few ideas." Hinata commented.

"He hasn't said anything. Probably because I haven't talked with him, but I'll call the boys later today so we can finally agree on the name." Sakura said with a smile.

After half an hour, Sakura went at the Uchiha Manor. She was curious of what Mikoto wanted to give her.

"Saku-chan, you made it!" Mikoto exclaimed as she opened the door. Sakura smiled warmly and greeted her back.

"Come, I have something for you!" Raven haired woman motioned her to follow her as she made her way upstairs.

Mikoto opened her bedroom door and walked in, towards the shelf where a small box was. "Sasuke told me that prom was coming, and I wanted to give you this." She gave the box to Sakura. The pinkette opened it and gasped at the sight in front of her.

There was a beautiful cherry blossom necklace. "T-this is amazing!" She exclaimed. "Thank you, Mikoto-san!"

"Oh, it's nothing! I made one for Izumi too when she and Itachi were going on prom." Mikoto smiled sweetly.

"Wait, you made this?! Mikoto-san, you have a real gift! This necklace is magnificent! I love it!" Sakura claimed with a big smile and sparkling eyes. She was truly amazed by mother Uchiha's talents.

"You're so cute, Saku-chan! Thank you!" Mikoto pulled her into a hug and Sakura hugged back.

Sakura stayed for another few minutes, chatting with mrs Uchiha, until her mom called and asked her to come and stay with her brother.

"Bye, Mikoto-san. Thanks for the gift!" Sakura grinned.

"You're welcome, dear." Mikoto replied with smile. Sakura waved her hand and sat in the car.

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