Chapter 8: Road To The Beach(1/2)

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*Sakura's POV*

After Sasuke and I left bowling center he drove straight to his house. I started panicking because, what if Itachi mentions him? What am I going to answer? I hope he knows everything and won't mentions him.

''Why are you nervous?'' Sasuke questioned, making me leave my thoughts.

''I-I'm not. Why do you think so?''

''You were playing on your necklace.'' he said like this was a clear thing.


He rolled his eyes but still answered my question. "Hn. You always did that when we were kids, mostly when you were nervous." He also murmured something like 'annoying' but I let go of that. So he remembers something about me... Good to know.

"Well?" He asked after few seconds. I looked confused but then realized what he meant.

"For you information Sasuke, I'm not nervous, I'm just playing with my necklace. Nothing more." I said obviously lying.

"Yeah, sure." He muttered but I chose not to answer. There's no point in arguing with him. Even through I was he's fangirl, few years earlier before my road to America, I realized that I wasn't just a fangirl, and I really loved him. But now there's no point of loving, knowing Sasuke will break my heart just they way he did.

When we went inside his house Mikoto-san had finished making dinner and Fugaku-san along with Itachi were sitting at the table.

"Sasuke, Sakura! We were waiting for you!" Itachi said cheerfully. I observed him and he looked different from when I last saw him. And no, it wasn't when I left, it was after I left, because he's friends with my ex.

We greeted Fugaku-san and then sat at the table along with Mikoto-san.

"You've become pretty lady, Sakura." Fugaku-san told me and I blushed a little.

"Thank you, Fugaku-san." I said with a nod and the grin. He nodded back. I continued my meal hoping that Itachi wouldn't say anything.

But unfortunately, that didn't happen.

"So, Sakura-chan, how have you been? i haven't seen you since last year." Itachi said with a grin. Oh god, I'm so dead.

"You've seen her?" Sasuke questioned.

"Itachi, you never mentioned meeting her." Mikoto-san said with a sad look. Kami please don't let Itachi mention him!

I think he noticed my nervous look and chose to save me. "Oh, we just met at the concert when I were with my friends. You know, Kisame and others." He said simply with a small smile. His mother nodded in understanding while Sasuke had look 'I-don't-believe-you'. Itachi ignored it and glanced at me. It was my turn to answer.

"I've been okay, I'm happy that finally I can stay here, how about you?" Good, nothing suspicious.

"Same old dangos and tomatoes." He always says this, dango as him and tomatoe as Sasuke. At least that's how I'm thinking about that.

"Cool." I said and we continued talking about random things, along with business and my family's comeback.

After the dinner ended Sasuke took me home. I was about to leave his car when he asked me something.

"Sakura, how do you met Itachi?" He asked with blank expression.

"Just like he said." I answered. But of course he didn't believe. This is Sasuke we're talking about. I opened car's door when he took my wrist. "Hn. I don't believe that." He said coldly.

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