Chapter 33: Hurt Again

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*Third Person's POV*

It's been few weeks since Sasori and Akatsuki members arrived at Konoha. During this time, all Sasori did was to act nice and friendly. He didn't cause any problems and he tried to gain Sakura's trust and forgiveness but didn't get any of them.

Sakura met Konan and it turned out that she was calling because she wanted to tell her that Sasori was coming back.

Sakura also met other Akatsuki members. Hidan rubbbed on her nerves but it was still nice to see him. Kakuzu and Sakura had few bets which the pinkette successfully won.

Deidara was almost everywhere, where Sakura was. They used to be good friends when Sakura was dating Sasori, so it was no surprise to her that Deidara wanted to spend time with her.

Right now he was with her, in the school yard, throwing explosive bombs.

"Aren't you tired? My ears hurt!" Sakura complained while putting her hands on her ears.

"No, un! Art is an explosion, don't you know?" He said and threw another bomb.

"Dude, what's up with you and the explosions?!" Naruto inquired also having his hands on his ears.

"Like I said, art is an explosion and I love art!" Deidara stated matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, we get it but you need to stop!" Ino interjected.

"Fine, un. But this doesn't mean that I forgive you for stealing my hairstyle!" He pouted.

"Excuse me?! I wore this style since the day I was born, it's you who stole it!" Ino snapped.

"Oh god, please don't start again!" Sakura whined and everyone agreed. To change the subject, even though she was still going to, she asked, "Where's Sasuke?"

"No where!" Naruto quickly answered and Sakura looked at him confusedly.

"What do you mean no where?" Her temper begin to rise.

"Uh, uh, he's in the bathroom!" He said and Sakura cracked her fists.

"Are you sure? Naruto if you're lying to me, I swear I'm gonna beat you up!" She fumed and Naruto shook his head.

"I-I'm not lying! Please don't beat me!" He pleaded and Sakura sighed.

"Okay. Now, what's up with the people running around?"

"They're getting ready for the prom!" Tenten chimed.

"And I haven't found the perfect dress!" Ino exclaimed.

"You'll look beautiful in everything, Ino." Sai told her with a smile and Ino blushed.

"When's the prom?" Sakura questioned.

"In a week." Temari answered. "Ino signed you as the prom queen yesterday."

"What?! Ino!" Sakura glared at her and Ino just shrugged.

"What? I like good competition. I've signed Tenten, Temari and Hinata too!" Ino protested.

"And Temari hasn't strangled you yet?" She asked and glanced at Temari.

"No point in that. She would sign me again and again." Sandy blonde haired girl explained.

The bell rang and they all went to the math class. Deidara bid them good-byes and went to his class as well.

Their homeroom teacher was Kakashi-sensei so that's why they all had math together.

"Where is Sasuke?!" Sakura whispered to Ino. Sasuke was being late and Kakashi-sensei was already there.

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