Chapter 30: The Basketball Game

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*Third Person's POV*

To say that the guys were exhausted would be an understatement.

Their coach has been training them for non-stop.

Sasuke was finally resting on his bed from all the intense work outs that their coach made them do.

Since he was the captain, more pressure came for him and it tingled little feelings of nervousness.

"Sasu-cakes, Sakura-chan is here!" Sasuke's mother called from the other side of the door.

"Alright, I'm coming." Sasuke said and opened the door. All the feelings of nervousness disappeared at the mention of his pink haired girlfriend.

"Sasuke!" Sakura grinned when she saw him and hugged him. Sasuke blushed at the sudden action but hugged her back.

"Sakura," Sasuke smirked and motioned her to go upstairs.

"Are you excited for the game?" Sakura asked once they arrived at his room.

"Yes and no." Sasuke simply answered.

"Why no?"

"Well, if we lose, we won't be getting a cup of this years best basketball players."

Sakura pinched Sasuke's cheeks and said, "Of course you guys are gonna win. You've been practicing non-stop and you're an amazing captain. I doubt there's even slightest chance that you guys won't win." She said with a warm smile and Sasuke's lips formed a smile too. He was grateful to have her.

"Thanks. Now, how about you? You have a concert tomorrow too." At the mention of her concert, Sakura sighed.

"It's just so exhausting!" She whined and fell on Sasuke's bed. "Dahlia gave me thousands of songs and I don't really know how everything will be ready for the time of the concert. But, I won't miss your game. I talked to Dahlia and the concert will in the evening. I think at night." Sasuke nodded with a smile.

When Sakura left, Sasuke went to bed to get enough sleep so he will be at his best for the game.

Next day, Sasuke was woken by Naruto's annoying voice.

It didn't surprise him anymore, since Naruto did that almost everyday. Either calling him or banging on his door.

"Teme, hurry up or we'll be late!" He yelled and Sasuke groaned loudly.

"Shut up, I'm getting ready!" Sasuke yelled back.

"Well, do it faster, 'cause Sakura-chan's waiting downstairs!" Sasuke almost froze at his tracks because he didn't know Sakura was walking with them. Nevertheless, he continued getting ready.

"You sure take your time." Sakura chuckled as Sasuke and Naruto walked on the stairs.

"Let's just go." Sasuke murmured and opened the door.

While walking, they met Shikamaru and Temari and they continued their road together.

''You are on all over the Instagram!'' Temari told Sakura and Sasuke stared at them questioningly.

''You mean her concert?'' Naruto asked with a chuckle. ''She's been trending on my insta too.''

''My phone's been buzzing for days. You guys can't complain!'' Sakura threw her hands in the air as frustration filled on her face.

''Annoying pecks of being famous.'' Temari laughed and caused Sakura to laugh as well.

Once they arrived at school, they parted their ways. Sakura and Shikamaru had history. Temari had art and Sasuke and Naruto had science.

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