Chapter 5: Sleepover At Ino's(2/2)

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*Third Person's POV*

"Okay, let's continue our game!" Screamed Ino. "We aren't over?" Pouted Sakura. Ino rolled her eyes. "Don't be a mood Bilboard Brow!"

"Then, It's my turn!" Yelled Tenten. She spinned the bottle and it lended on Temari.

"Truth or dare?" Tenten asked.


"Okay, get ready!" Teny yelled. "Uuu what you got for me?" Temari asked excited.

"Well, Temari, if you're so excited, then I won't hold back!" Tenten smiled evilly which didn't even scared Temari, but did scare Hinata, Sakura and Ino.

"How is she not scared!" Whisper-yelled Sakura in Ino's ear. Ino shrugged her shoulders and whispered "I have no idea!"

"Tell us Temari, is Shikamaru always so lazy when you guys are alone?" Ino and Sakura looked at Temari interested. She was blushing like a tomatoe, definitely didn't expect this question. She even stuttered a little! "N-no. H-he's not." She said and blushed more. Ten Ten, Ino and Sakura yelled Wow's and Aww's while Hinata was just being Hinata except that she said one aww and then blushed.

"Girl, who would think Shikamaru would ever stopped being lazy!" Tenten exclaimed.

"I wouldn't even think he would have a girlfriend!" Sakura yelled. "No offense" she added and looked at Temari. "Non taken" she answered and received Sakura's smile.

"Alright, calm down you guys, it's my turn now!" Screamed Temari. She spinned the bottle and it ended on Hinata. The girl almost fainted because she knew whatever she chose, it would cause a disaster.

"So, Hinata-chan, truth or dare?" questiond Temari.

''T-truth!" she whisper-yelled. ''Oh come, one! truth is so boring!'' Ino yelled, Temari and Tenten rolled their eyes. ''Sorry, Ino but Hinata-chan is a sweetest and kindest human on the world so she deserves innocence truth not a devilysh dare!'' said Sakura. Hinata smiled sweetly. ''T-thanks S-sakura-chan!'' Ino put her hand in the air and said sorry, she knew Hinata really was the sweetest person in the world.

''Okay, Hinata, who confessed first, Naruto or you?'' golden haired girl asked. ''N-naruto-kun.'' she said and girls looked at her amazed. ''That baka actually confessed the first?'' Sakura questioned and Hinata nodded her head. ''Wow!''

''M-my t-turn!'' she said and spinned the bottle. It landed on Ino which sighed in relief, she knew Hinata would never tell anything bad.

''T-truth o-or d-dare Ino-chan?'' the midnight sky-haired girl asked. ''Dare!'' Ino yelled.

''I-I dare you to don't go shopping for one day." she said nervously. Ino's grin changed into a sad dramatic face. ''WHY HINATAAA??!!'' she started crying while the girls started laughing loudly. ''OMG GOOD ONE HINATA!'' yelled Sakura. She was dying from laughing. ''Good one Hinata!! Ino needed this!'' Tenten patted on Hinata's shoulder. Hinata blushed and apologized to Ino. Temari couldn't breathe or talk from laughing.

After 10 minutes of laughing Ino spinned the bottle and it landed on Sakura. Ino laughed evilly and Sakura had a proud smirk on her face to show she wasn't scared(through she was freaking out). ''Truth or dare, forehead?'' the blonde asked. Sakura yelled ''Dare, and don't hold, give me the worst!''

''That's a really brave statment, Sakura!" Ten Ten whisper-yelled. Ino was grinning like a maniac, she was totally freaking out the girls. Hinata fainted because of her scary look.

''Sakura, I dare you to...CALL SASUKE AND SING HIM A SONG!" "Ino squealed while Sakura gasped. The girls shouted 'Yes!' and 'Go Sakura!'

"Wait...WHAT?!" she yelled. She wasn't going to sing anything to Uchiha Sasuke.

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