Chapter 23: Take A Break

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*Third Person's POV*

"Hello? Is this Sasuke Uchiha, the emo dude? My best friend? 'Cause all I see is a random duckbutt haired guy with sad look, writing his biology homework to forget what happened a week ago!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke who was sitting in his room doing homework.

"What the hell do you want, dobe?!" Sasuke asked still not looking at him.

"I want you to take a break! You've been doing homework, helping you family members, even making Play Doh cakes and unnecessary shit just to forget what happened!"

"I agree with Naruto. You need to take a break." Neji said. Sasuke still hadn't looked away.

"I don't need a break. I'm fine." Sasuke muttered.

"I've once read in the book, when a someone gets rejected by their crush they tend to bury themselves in work or just have a breakdown." Sai commented.

"Why the hell are you guys even here?" Uchiha finally looked at them and saw Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru, Sai, Kiba and Suigetsu.

"It was my and Itachi's idea. You need to have fun, so we came here to drag you out!" Naruto said with a grin.

"I'm not coming." Sasuke said firmly.

"Yes, you are." Naruto answered.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, yes, yes, you are!" He said and grabbed Sasuke's arm. "Quick, Kiba, grab his other arm!"

"W-what the hell, Naruto?!" Sasuke tried to get out of their grip but all of the boys were holding him.

"I've got his jacket!" Kiba said and all of them dragged Sasuke downstairs.

"Sorry, Mrs Uchiha, we had to use plan B!" They told Mikoto and she just nodded. Sasuke looked at his mom with 'help me' look but his mother just shrugged.

"Bring him before dinner!" She told them.

"We will!" Naruto answered as they finally got out and threw Sasuke in the car.

"What the heck! This is called kidnapping!" Sasuke pointlessly tried to get out but Kiba and Suigetsu were holding him.

"Not really. You parents gave us the permission." Sai said with a smile.

Sasuke wanted to run away but it was impossible. His parents actually let them kidnapp him!

'They let us get kidnapped! I ain't doing chores after this.' his inner commented.

"We're here!" Naruto yelled from the front sit as Neji parked the car.

"Why are we here?" Sasuke looked at the bar. It was the last place he wanted to go today.

"You need a drink man!" Kiba told him and dragged him out.

"There's no need to hold me anymore!" Sasuke yelled as Suigetsu and Naruto still hold their grip on him.

"How should we know? You're a fast runner!" Naruto said and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I don't feel like drinking." Uchiha tried.

"No one cares." Kiba spoke.

"Why don't you guys let me go, and I'll buy you all the drinks and food tomorrow. Dobe, I'll buy you ramen!" Sasuke tried again.

"Tempting," Naruto said. "But still not a chance."

'Oh, come on! He always agrees on this!' Sasuke thought.

"Six drinks for us, please." Suigetsu ordered while they sat down.

Sasuke didn't argue, since there was no point in it, and took his drink.

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