Chapter 6: The Cheerleading Squad

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A/N: art is by insta page @tenartist
here's the link -

*Third Person's POV*

A loud scream of blonde girl woke everyone.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!!" Ino yelled. Immediately all the girls woke up and started screaming too. All of them were looking for their clothes and stuff. There was no time for breakfast so they rushed to the school. Thanks to Kami, they all had the same lesson and It was Kakashi-sensei's lesson so there was no problem of being late 'cause he would still be late then the girls.

They ran to their classroom, Ino and Sakura sat together, Tenten sat next to Neji, Hinata with Shino and Temari with Shikamaru. Naruto and Sasuke were sitting in front of Sakura and Ino. After 3 minutes Kakashi arrived and Naruto and Sasuke turned back to girls.

"You were as late as Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto whisper-yelled. "What happened?!"

"We overslept." Sakura answered. "We were watching movies until 1am." Ino added.

"Hn." was all Sasuke said and turned to Kakashi as if he was listening. Naruto continued blabbering about different kind of ramen. Sakura was listening to Kakashi and Ino was just exchanging letters with Sai.

~After The Lesson 'cause I'm Really Lazy~

Komoha 11 was sitting in the cafeteria. It was their launch break. Everyone was chit-chatting until Ino exclaimed.


"What the hell, Ino?" Pinkette questioned with a confused look.

Ino rolled her eyes. "Forehead, you have to join the squad." She said like a matter-of-fact.

"I don't want to join." Sakura answered simply.

"Okay, first of all this wasn't a question, second of all, I the squad caiptan command you to join the team. Or else I'll show everyone your ice-cream face photo which I pranked and took this morning!" Sakura's calm look quickly changed into don't-you-dare-or-I'll-murder-you face. Ino of course wasn't scared with her BFF's scary look and continued talking.

"Don't give me that look or else I'm gonna give your fans your number." This sentence made pinkette surrender.

"Alright, alright, I'll join the team." She said and Ino showed her smug face.

"Not so fast, Pinky." A dark blue haired girl, with blue eyes said. She was standing with a middle length haired blonde and short haired brunette. Konoha 11 looked at the trio and all of them except Sakura were pissed off. Well, Hinata was too sweet to be angry but she was cold-glaring them. And for Sakura, she had no idea who they were. She hoped they weren't bullies because she hated them since her childhood. She was being bullied because of her hair and forehead and Ino and rest of the Konoha guys always protected her, since then Sakura became more confident and started fighing for herself and her friends against the bullies and everyone.

"What the heck do you want, Jen?" Kiba asked. He so hated her and her stupid BFF's.

"Well, well, be more polite towards a girl, Inuzuka." Jen looked ar Kiba with a smug.

"But no one said to be polite towards a hippopotamus." Kiba pouted. Rest of the gang started laughing while Jen screamed from annoyance. Her face was red and she was definitely pissed off.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A HYPPO!" she yelled and grabed Kiba by his collar and was about to slap him when Sakura stood up and grabed Jen's hand. Everyone was surprised by pinkette's sudden action except Ino who had a smirk on her face 'cause she knew what was going to happen.

"Take your hands of Kiba." She said with a cold tone. Jen's surprised face changed into a smirk.

"Or what?"

"Oh, you don't want to know that." Sakura answered calmly and squeezed Jen's right hand hardly. She yelled in pain while Sakura didn't even move an eyebrow.

"Let me go you bitch!" Jen yelled at her. Sakura squeezed her hand harder.

"Look in the mirror, hypo. Bitch's right there, with a blue hair and broken hand." Sakura retorted with a smug. Jen was not going to let Sakura ruin her reputation so she almost slapped Sakura.

Her hand was held by none other then raven haired boy. He's onyx eyes were glaring at Jen.

"Don't you dare touch Sakura." He said with a deadly, cold tone. Jen started shaking from fear. Her BFF's dashed out of cafeteria.

"S-sorry S-sasuke-kun" she said quietly and disappeared from their sight. Konoha 9 was watching the show with eating popcorn which came out of nowhere.

"That was some power couple SasuSaku!" Ino exclaimed. Tenten and Temari nodded.

"Indeed it was!" They said pretending to be professor's. Sakura blushed really hard. Sasuke just smirked and continued his meal. 'SasuSaku, huh? This is something new.' Sasuke thought.

~Time Skip No Justu~

After lessons were over Ino, Hinata, Tenten and Sakura went on cheerleading practice. Temari had her tennis club practice.

Sakura showed some awesome moves which seemed to make Jen shut up. The squead was finally complete. Captain: Ino. Members: Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, Jen, Sue, Natsumi.

"So, since the JSN didn't say anything then I'll explain all the details!" Ino told Sakura when they were on there way to Sakura's house.

"Okay, I'm listening," Sakura answered.

"You already know Jen Weng, the stupid blue haired bitch who is number one fangirl of Sasuke. Then there is Sue Fann, Naruto's fangirl and she's the only girl who face's Hinata's wrath. And Natsumi Sato, Neji's fangirl and Tenten's rival, not only in love but also in sports. She's also in volleyball team with Tenten and is always competitive against our Teny. Sue is teasing Hinata and she gets yelled all the time by Neji and Naruto but you know, such a things doesn't stop JSN. I must tell you that Jen is a terrible person. She's a psycho and she even tries to compare me in GOSSIPING! THERE'S ONLY ONE GOSSIP QUEEN IN KOHONA HIGH AND THAT'S ME!" Ino started yelling.

"Okay, okay, calm down, pig. Everyone knows that you're the only gossip queen. By the way there's no way I will let those idiots get to me. Whenever they try to harm me I'll break their bones." Sakura said with a smug. Ino smirked at her best friends speech and hugged her. "I know, forehead."

A/N: Sorry for a late update.

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