Chapter 34: Failed Plan

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*Third Person's POV*

Few days passed and Sakura hasn't gone outside of her home.

Ino was with her all the time. She and the others tried to cheer her up but only response they got was a small smile and then Sakura went back to shutting herself out.

Sasuke wasn't doing any better either. Naruto almost beat him up. He tried to explain everything to Sakura but she ignored him.

Not that he blamed her. She was right to ignore him.

Sasuke blamed his self. How could he let such a thing happen?

How did he not notice that Jen was planning a trap for him?!

How could he hurt Sakura like that?

He was devastated.

They both were.

Sasuke wanted to ran to her, explain that he didn't intend any of this to happen, tell her that he loved her the most.

But Sakura didn't want any of that.

All she wanted was to not see Sasuke ever again.

She wanted this semester to end so she would go to her aunt's in Suna and avoid him.

It took lots of effort for Ino and the girls to drag Sakura out of her house and cheer her a little.

Later, Sakura agreed to go back to school. Prom was coming and she told Ino she would help her out.

Ino was the one in charge with prom preparations and she asked Sakura if she could help her with it. Sakura would be able to turn her attention on other stuff too.

Because of she agreed, Sakura was sitting in one of the empty classrooms, choosing the theme of prom with Ino.

"What do you think of this?" Her best friend asked and showed her one of her favourites.

"That could work. I like it." The pinkette simply answered and flipped on the next page in her notebook.

Ino sighed. "Writing a new song?" She asked hopefully.

Sakura nodded. "Yes. It's only thing I can put my mind fully." Ino smiled sadly at her and looked at the door, only to see Sasuke standing there. "Don't even think about it!" She told him and he backed away. Sakura looked the other way, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry, forehead. He's just not giving up!" She threw her hands in the air. "Maybe... You should hear him?" She said it like a question and Sakura immediately glared at her.

"I don't need anything from him! I don't need his explanations, he knew what would happen to me if he messed up, and he still messed up! I'm done with it!" Sakura slamed her hands on the desk and left worried Ino in the classroom.

She walked past her friends, only muttering greetings. She passed few classrooms until she reached girls bathroom.

Sakura looked in the mirror and saw she looked like a mess. She fixed herself and exited the bathroom.

The pinkette was about to go back to Ino when she saw a glimpse of red and dark blue in one of the classrooms.

She peeked inside and saw Sasori and Jen. Sasori looked furious while Jen remained calm.

"How could you do that?!" She heard Sasori yell at her. "Why would you hurt them like this?!"

Jen scoffed in response. "Why do you care so much?! They're not together anymore, you can have the girl. I only did you a favor!"

Sasori glared at her. "A favor?! I care about her and you hurt her! Sakura loves Sasuke more then anything and so does Sasuke so why are you trying to get between them?!" Sakura gasped quietly.

Jen rolled her eyes. "I want him for myself. And you care about her? Did you forget that you cheated on her with my cousin?! Besides, you're here because I called you and you seemed pretty eager to get her back!"

Sasori threw his hands in the air. "I know I cheated on her, I made a mistake and I regret it! I only came back to apologise to her! I'm not trying get her back! Get over with it, Jen. Sasuke loves Sakura! You need to go and explain everything to her!" Jen seemed unfazed by his statement.

"I don't care. That bivch thinks Sasuke-kun cheated on her. It's only a matter of time when Sasuke-kun realizes he loves me and forgets all about her."

"You made her think like that! You tricked Sasuke into kissing you! If you won't tell her, then I will!" Sasori glared at her again and started walking towards the door.

Jen scoffed and walked behind him. "Then I'll tell her that you were part of it all! I'll make her turn against you!"

"Do as you wish. I'd rather have her hate me than to be so heartbroken." His tone was sharp, meaning the conversation was over.

Sakura dashed out before Sasori or Jen saw her. She was fighting tears. She finally reached the roof and sat down.

The tears finally fell on her cheeks.

Sasuke was telling the truth all along! How foolish of her to doubt his feelings.

Of course Jen tricked him. Why else would Sasuke be near her?

Sakura hurt his feelings, if she told him that she knew the truth now he would leave her because all Sakura ever did was to doubt him.

She loves him, she hasn't stopped loving him. No matter what, Sakura would go and apologise to him, right now.

The pinkette ran downstairs, the bell probably rang and Sasuke would be in class.

She knew Sasuke had history now, so she ran towards that class's direction.

Sakura knocked on the door and after approval opened it. "Hello, can I have Uchiha Sasuke for few minutes?" Hiruzen-sensei nodded and motioned confused Sasuke to go.

The raven haired boy came out of the classroom. "Sorry, let's go outside, I need to talk to you." Sakura told him and Sasuke looked both, hopeful and worried.

When they approached the cherry blossom tree in the school yard, Sakura started talking. "First, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I was so stupid to believe that you would do such a thing. I'm so so sorry! I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, you would never willingly hurt me and I doubted you. I believe whatever trick Jen did and didn't even hear your explanation. You probably want to break up with me now, but please know this that I love you, more than anything and I never stopped loving you." She said everything almost to fast but Sasuke managed to get it all.

He was quiet for few second and Sakura almost went crazy. Then, he did the most unexpected thing. He started laughing. Genuinely laughing.

"W-why are you laughing?" The pinkette asked and he laughed even more. "Sasuke?"

"I'm sorry, it's just," he laughed again. "Why would you think I would want to break up with you? Sakura, I love you and this past few days I've spent trying to tell you the truth, and now that you know it, you think I would break up with you?" Sasuke sighed and continued. "If anything, I should be asking for forgiveness. I'm so sorry that I didn't realise Jen was planning a trap for me. I fell in it and I hurt you. I'm sorry, Sakura and I really love you." He looked down when he finished.

"I love you too, you know." She said and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed her back as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm so glad I have you." Sasuke said with a smile and Sakura grinned. She missed him so much. "Me too."

"Sakura," Sasuke started. "Yes?" She looked at him in the eyes. "Will you go to the prom with me?" He asked hopefully.

Sakura's eyes started sparking. She grinned again and almost started jumping. "Yes! Of course, I'll go with you!" The pinkette exclaimed and Sasuke smiled. The stared at each other lovingly before Sasuke smiled again and kissed her...

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