Chapter 15

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                             Mad Stalker

A few months passed since that magical night. I am currently the happiest girl ever. Who would've thought, several months ago that this would be my life now? I'm currently making a name for myself in the interior design field. I've been traveling up and down the California coast, just making things happen. I'm dating Austin James Rivers, the sex is great and we're both madly in love with each other. Then on top of that, we live together!

Okay, I don't really have that much going on in my life but I couldn't be more happier. One thing is for sure, Austin made all these things possible.

I was on my way home from an office space I had just redesigned when the worst happened. I got a flat tire.

"Perfect!" I said, sarcastically. I had my phone in my hand prepared to call Austin (since I knew he was home) but a car immediately stopped with intentions to help me.

I get out the car to meet the mysterious person.

"You look like you could use some help." he said.

For a moment, I stared at this guy. He looked like a model. He was tall, light skinned, well built and had the cutest brown ey- WAIT! What am I saying!? I tried to refocus...besides...Austin looked WAY better and his eyes were definitely cuter.

"You know what?" I started. "I would really appreciate that but I'm calling someone right now. They're literally ten minutes away."

"Oh nonsense! I'm here right now. I have an actual spare tire. I can fix it for you."

"You really don't have to." I said, trying to get him to leave. He just wouldn't take no for an answer.

Finally, I gave up and let the mystery man change my tire. He changed it so quickly, it almost didn't make sense for me to make Austin leave home to help me.

"There you go." he said. I don't think I got your name, by the way."

I paused, I didn't know if I should give this guy my name or not.

"My name is Destiny."

"Oh well Destiny, I'm Jayce. It's nice to meet you."

I don't know what it was but there was something about this guy that rubbed me the wrong way. Plus I felt like I recognized him from somewhere. To avoid conversation, I hopped back in my car.

"Okay, well thank you! Have a nice day."

I didn't give him a chance to start up another conversation. I immediately drove off.

I made it home in about eight minutes. (Only because I was speeding)

"Is that you babe?" Austin was yelling from the bedroom.

I smiled. "Yes, it's me. Who else would it be?"

"I don't know maybe some crazy, insane person imitating my girl."

I walked into the room and he was laying on the bed with nothing but a pair of basketball shorts.

Before I could do anything, he pulled me on the bed and then got on top of me.

"I missed you. How was your day?" he asked, while running his fingers through my hair.

I immediately replayed everything I did today and I was reminded of my flat tire and the guy who helped.

"Work was straight. I finished the office I was working in. I went to Bay Cities for lunch and...I got a flat tire and a nice gentleman helped me out." I said that last part extremely fast, hoping that he wouldn't comprehend.

Austin immediately sat up in the bed. I was wondering what was going through his head.

"How come you didn't tell me you got a flat?"

"I was going to call you but the man insisted that he help. Plus it was convenient for you. You would've had to get dress, then drive there. It could've taken ten to fifteen minutes before you got there and the man was able to replace my flat in less than five."

I was being super defensive and Austin wasn't even accusing me of anything. He didn't even suspect anything. I was just feeling guilty because the guy was attractive to me.

"Babe, it's cool. I understand. You don't have to be so defensive?" He smiled then kissed me on the lips.

I felt so guilty and I just blurted it out. "I also thought  he was attractive!"

Austin' face became a little more serious. "Well did you do anything with this guy?" he asked.

"No bu-"

"Well then it doesn't matter." he said, cutting me off.

"I know bu-" He placed his index finger on my lips (basically telling me to shut the hell up).

"Dez, we're always going to find other people attractive. It's human nature. As long as we stay loyal to each other, there's nothing to worry about."

"You're not even a little bit upset." I asked.

"No . And you wanna know why. Because I trust you Dez. Besides, I know just how much you love me."

We both smiled and kissed.

"Now, I've been waiting until you got home so I can take a shower."

I gave him this strange look. "Why'd you have to wait for me? You've been home."

He picked me up really quickly and I started laughing crazily, trying to figure out what he was doing.

He gave me this mysterious look and then he smiled devilishly. "Because..we're taking a shower together."

The next day came really quickly. Austin and I had a great night...we watched SVU reruns. We both love that show.

I decided to stop by Starbucks for some coffee. I ordered my coffee and I was waiting for it to be ready so I could get to where I needed to be.

"Destiny!" I heard someone say.

I turned around and saw this guy waving at me. At first I didn't recognize him but then I put it together as he was walking over.

"Jayce!" I said nervously.

Mad Love: An Austin Rivers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now