Chapter 13

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                Mad Love...Making (Part One)

"Okay well I have everything set up. Let me know if you need anything else."

I hung up the phone. I had just gotten of the phone with Blake's publicist. His birthday is days from now and we were throwing a big surprise party. I was HIRED for the interior design of the venue we booked.

Austin and I were going to meet up real quick for a small lunch. It'll be the first thing I have eaten all day. I don't want to eat too much because I don't want to be overly tired during the party.

We decided to meet at Sage Vegan on Sunset Blvd. I've heard so many things about this restaurant and Austin and I both are into vegan food so we decided to give it a try.

I pulled up and rushed in to reserve seats for Austin and myself.

"Hi. My name is Destiny S-

"Mrs. Rivers. Your table is ready for you." the hostess said completely cutting me off.

Mrs. Rivers? What the hell!?

"Your husband is waiting for you." she continued.

I knew then that Austin put her up to this. She escorted me to the table where I saw Austin sitting. Did I mention how punctual he is? He's always early or on time. Never late.

Once Austin saw me he stood up and gave me the biggest hug. It's not like we don't live together now. And it's not like we didn't just see each other three hours ago.

"You two enjoy." the hostess said smiling before she left. It wasn't until she left that I realized we were the only people in the section we were seated in.

"I missed you." he said in that whiny kid voice of his. I laughed lightly.

"I missed you too." I replied while giving Austin a sultry look.

"Girl don't look at me like that! You know what that look does to me!"

"What!? I can't help how I look." I said innocently. "You're the one always trying to seduce me."

"I guess you right." he admitted.

"And who the hell is Mrs. Rivers?" I asked with a suspicious grin.

"Hopefully that's you in the future."

He always knows what to say. We finished our food and talked for a little while. Then we both went home to get ready for the party.

We got home, took an hour nap, took showers, got dressed and left.

"So how are you guys planning on getting Blake to the party without him being suspicious?" I asked Austin.

We were in Austin's new car. I wish I remember the name but I'm horrible with car names. He wanted to let me test drive it and he also wanted me to drive because he thinks I drive fast and we will get their quicker.

"The owner told us earlier in the week that we have to make a mandatory appearance at a Clippers sponsored fashion show for charity."

I gave him a impressed look. "Oh wow. How creative."

"Yeah I know. So Blake will come not knowing that he'll walk right into his own surprise birthday party."

Once we finally got there, everything was pretty much set up. All the invited guests were there and now we were just waiting for the birthday boy to show up.

When black finally arrived we all yelled "Surprise!" Now I haven't hung around 'celebrities' that often but I could tell that Blake was slightly upset and he didn't want that much attention. He still looked happy though and that's all that mattered.

"Happy Birthday!" Austin and I said in unison.

"Thank y'all so much."  Blake dapped Austin up and gave me a hug. He is so tall (compared to me anyway). He does tower over Austin a little bit too and Austin towers over me a whole lot so, yeah, Blake is super tall!

We dance and we drank and I even got a little tipsy but overall, everyone had a good time.

Austin and I prepared to leave. Luckily we didn't have to help with the cleaning process. A cleaning crew was hired for that. So with the party over, Austin and I just headed home.

We got inside and we both were laughing like little children. We went to OUR bedroom and jumped on the bed still laughing for no reason.

"Tonight was so much fun!" I said, cheesing all hard.

Austin looked at me and placed his hand on my cheek. "Yes it was babe. It was Blake's party but being there with you, leaving with you and coming home with you makes me feel like I was the birthday boy."

I wrapped both of my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Oh babe! That is so sweet!"

He started smiling real hard. He truly has the cutest smile. It's so innocent and it's hella contagious. I could be pissed at him and all he has to do is smile and I smile.

Austin grabbed the remote and started watching ESPN highlights. I just sat there and stared at him while his eyes were glued to the TV. Then it hit me. I really loved this man and the both of us has professed our love for each other time and time again. I didn't want to hold back anymore. I wanted him NOW!

I started kissing him softly and he returned the favor, unaware that my intention was for us to finally have sex. We both came up for hair and I took of my dress. At this point, Austin knew what I wanted. I know this is what he was waiting for but surprisingly he grabbed my arm and shook his head.

"Stop Dez. You don't have to do this. I told you that we can wait as long as you need."

"I know Austin. It's okay. I'm ready. I want you."

Austin looked at me in an almost sad look. He was worried that his previous talk about sex was pressuring me, but it wasn't. Then he grabbed my face and started kissing me. He took his shirt off and threw it on the floor. I finished undressing until we were both in nothing but our underwear.

Austin gave me that look again, as if to say "We don't have to do this if you're not ready." I wanted to show him how serious I was and that I really did want this and that I was ready. So I took off my bra, exposing my breasts to him for the first time. I had no idea how he was going to react. As I expected, he looked at my breasts but only for a split second. He took off his boxers and I saw it for the first time. I then took my underwear off and we both were finally completely naked. We were gonna have sex. Austin and I were about to have sex.

Mad Love: An Austin Rivers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now