Chapter 26

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It's been two weeks since I proposed to Dez. We were both happy. I screwed shit up again! I went from an engaged soon-to-be dad to a single soon-to-be baby daddy. I automatically assumed she was messing with that bitch Jayce. This just goes to show that you can't think all females are the same. When I dated Diamond, she was associated with one dude who I thought was my friend and it turned out she was fucking him the whole entire time we dated.

Dez is different though. She's pure, genuine and she puts others before herself. I'm glad to know she's the mother of my child to be. Sad to know that we probably won't ever be together again.


It's been awhile since I talked to Austin. Not really, only a couple of weeks but that's awhile considering the fact that we live together and talk to each other every second of every day.

Since our fall out, I've been staying with Amy. It's been months since I quit my job at the juice parlor but Amy and I have remained close. Honestly, if it weren't for Amy and our "friendship", I wouldn't have met Austin. I probably wouldn't have been invited to that game all those months ago. I probably would still be into females and I definitely wouldn't be pregnant! I want to be sad but even if Austin and I never get back together, something very beautiful has come of our relationship and that is the child that is growing inside of me.

"I still can't believe you're pregnant!" Amy exclaimed.

"And with Austin Rivers' child!" Whitney added.

I've seen Amy on and off since I quit my job but I don't think I've seen Whitney since that game we all went to.

"Would you guys stop! It's not that big of a deal." I said.

Amy looked at me like I was stupid.

"Dezi? Who are you kidding? It's a huge deal. You may be mad at Austin right now but the fact that you're having his baby is still a HUGE deal. So you're just gonna have to get over yourself."

She was right. Having a child is already a big deal and on top of that my child's father is in the NBA. This is crazy.

Whitney smiled, "So have you told your parents yet?"

OMG!!!! MY PARENTS!!!! I was so caught up in my relationship with a professional basketball player, I didn't even tell them I was dating Austin. As far as they know, I'm still a lesbian!

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