Chapter 43: Some Answers

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Corrie stayed quiet for the ride back to campus. Nothing she wanted to say could be said in front of the police officers. True, there was a partition in the police car separating her, Edie, and Professor Lal from the officers, but she doubted it was soundproof.

Edie, sitting in the middle seat, rested her head on Corrie's shoulder. Corrie wasn't sure whether she was asleep or just pretending. Professor Lal sat straight up and stock-still. Corrie stared out the window, even though it was so dark she could see almost nothing.

At least the ride back to campus was quick. Officer Pell pulled up at the front gate and got out. She handed a card to each of them as they got out of the car (Edie had probably not really been asleep) and two to Professor Lal. "If any of you have any other questions or concerns, or remember something else that happened tonight—last night, I should say—let us know. And give a card to Dawn, please."

Professor Lal nodded and tucked the cards away in a pocket. "I will." She turned without a goodbye and walked toward the side of the gate, where the security guard waited. Corrie nodded to the officers as a goodbye and hurried after her, Edie in tow. By the time they caught up, Professor Lal had apparently proven her identity to the guard, because the door was opening for them. They walked inside to tendrils of fog that swirled around the ground and poked toward their ankles.

"You should get some rest," said Professor Lal, gesturing toward Gilkey. "You've had a long day."

Corrie wondered if Professor Lal even needed any rest herself—she wasn't saying anything about it—but she shook her head. "I don't think I can sleep until we get some answers."

Edie nodded, though she was shivering and had a fist pressed to her mouth like she was stifling a yawn. "Me neither."

Professor Lal looked down at them. Corrie wondered how she always managed to do that, considering if they were to stand side-by-side (and if Professor Lal were to not wear her usual heels), she was certain she would be a few inches taller than the professor. Maybe it was part of her glamour. "All right," she said after a moment of consideration. "But we should go inside. It is quite cold out here." She led them to the door of their dorm building, and Corrie fished out her ID to let them in. They went into the deserted, darkened common room, not bothering to turn on the lights.

"You do have an idea of how Paul got the knife," Corrie said as they sat down. "Don't you?"

"Yes," said Professor Lal. "I believe he must have gotten it from Mardalan."

Corrie sighed. That was what she'd been afraid of, too. "But why? We figured out what was going on with the book—doesn't she know she can't mess with us anymore?"

"Perhaps not," said Professor Lal. "Or perhaps this is a reaction to our finding the book. She may blame Dawn and her Sight for it. We would certainly be in a much more difficult position against her if Dawn had entirely lost her Sight."

"But how does she even know?" Edie asked. "Isn't she lying injured somewhere that we can't find her?"

"I suppose her servant may be bringing her news," said Professor Lal. "That is certainly something we will have to investigate."

"Do you think the servant could be the one who brought the knife to Paul?" Corrie asked. "Maybe that's why he doesn't remember someone giving it to him or anything like that. The twiggy guy could have just looked like a bush to him."

"That's possible," said Professor Lal. "But I doubt the servant has enough magic, or enough of its own will, to persuade Paul to attack Dawn with it. And he talks as though his memory has been modified."

"Can you do that?" Edie asked, squeezing Corrie's arm in fear.

"Oh, it is easy enough," said the professor with a shrug. "For a faerie, that is, and only if the memories are limited."

"Can't you go into his head and fix that?" said Corrie.

"No. Once his mind has been altered, it is altered for good."

"What about..." She tried to think of something, anything, they could do to get the information from Paul. He obviously had it, or had once. "Could you go into his mind and see the path he took into the woods? Maybe that could show us where Mardalan is."

Professor Lal raised her eyebrows. "That is a possibility, actually. I will have to try to return to the police station. It's difficult, of course, with all the steel about."

"I could give you a ride," Corrie offered. "Uh, probably not tonight."

Professor Lal shook her head. "Thank you, but I will find another way."

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