Chapter 50: Safety in Numbers

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They went their separate ways after class, but managed to gather everyone else up to meet after they were done with their classes. When Corrie had returned to her room, Edie was awake, so she filled her in. When they met up in the hallway on the first floor of Gilkey, the group comprised not only Corrie, Edie, Dawn, and Roe, but Rico and also Dawn's roommate Naomi.

"I told her everything and she wanted to come," said Dawn. "I figured it would only be a good thing to have more people."

"Unless the faeries catch us because we're all making so much noise in the woods," said Corrie, grimacing.

"I don't think we have to worry about that," said Roe. "I've never had a vision change that much from what I first saw."

Corrie wasn't comforted by that thought at all, but decided it was better not to argue. Dawn was probably right, after all—they all had steel jewelry, except Rico, and in a large group they could protect each other better.

"You don't mind that I told Naomi and Rico about your vision, do you, Roe?" Dawn asked as they started zipping up coats and pulling on hats and gloves.

Roe shook her head. "Of course not. I figured you would tell... well, anyone who knows about faeries. You told Edie, right, Corrie?"

"Absolutely," said Corrie.

"I had a thought about it, actually," said Edie as Rico held open the door for all of them. "I wondered if the red tree you saw could have been related to Leila somehow."

"That makes sense," said Roe, nodding. "She is a dryad, right? And she has red hair, though it's not really the same red as in the vision. Can she transport her tree somehow?"

"Not that I know of," said Edie. "But that's at least a more pleasant interpretation of the tree."

Roe grinned. "Definitely."

Corrie shivered as they tromped through the campus. At least there wasn't any snow on the ground today—it was just really cold. The sun was setting over the western woods, and everything was bathed in a golden light that completely belied the temperature. She allowed herself a brief moment of jealousy for Dawn and Rico, walking arm-in-arm and keeping each other warm.

The light faded as they walked toward the north end of campus and started up the hill, though there was still enough to see each other by. Corrie had thought ahead for once and brought a flashlight, which she fingered as they looked around. The trees were bare and desolate.

Finally, they reached the bench that marked what Corrie thought of as Tom's area, though she didn't know if it was really his or if the bench meant anything. Dawn let go of Rico to step forward out of the group and call Tom's name three times. Then they waited.

"Does this really work?" said Naomi, looking around.

"It always has before," said Dawn. "And it's what he said to do."

"What if he's somewhere far away?" Naomi asked.

"I never am," said Tom, suddenly appearing in a tree, hanging upside down with his face only an inch from Naomi's. Naomi yelped and leapt about a foot backward. The others laughed a little, though Corrie was certain that Tom hadn't been in that tree, or any of the trees around, a moment ago. Was he some sort of dryad as well, or could he make himself invisible through magic?

He jumped down from the tree, executing a perfect spin to land on his feet, and bowed to Dawn. "You've brought quite a crowd to see me this time."

"Safety in numbers," said Dawn, once again holding Rico's hand.

Tom put a hand to his chest with his mouth open as though he were offended. "You think you need protection against me? Why, I'm flattered." His expression instantly turned to a crafty grin.

Dawn shook her head. "Not you. The court faeries."

He pursed his lips. "A problematic crowd indeed. I hope you're not going to ask for my help with them again. At least you haven't brought your Djanaea friend."

Corrie looked at the others' expressions. She hadn't thought of Troy and apparently neither had any of them. Only Roe's expression stayed determinedly calm. What had happened on that date of theirs, anyway? Roe never talked about it.

"I don't think he needs to be involved, after the way you worried about him last time," said Dawn. "And it's not them we need your help with. Do you know a faerie called Ever?"

He crossed his arms and lifted his eyes to the sky. "Can't say that I do."

"Oh, come on," said Edie. "You're just messing with us again."

Tom lifted his arms in an exaggerated shrug. "I promise I am not, my lady. I do not know that name."

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