Chapter 122: Trade

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Corrie heard a thump and looked up to see Mardalan dropping Belara's body to the ground. It lay prone. Corrie wondered if she was really dead and decided not to bother asking.

"Your new queen will make sure you all get what you want," Mardalan shouted to the crowd, which was now cheering. "Every one of you. Life will be easy, it will be comfortable, and it will be happy." She raised her arms in apparent triumph, then gestured. "Just a taste of what's ahead."

Many of the faeries in the crowd turned. There was a collective cry of amazement as they all hurried toward something at the other end of the hall. Corrie tried to see what they were looking for, but there were too many bodies in the way. However, she was grateful to see the pumpkin-like faerie finally release her other friends. The humans and Ever all hurried over. Rico took Dawn's shoulders in his hands.

Celao sniffed the air. "Some proper food at last. Belara and Feloc have been starving us—well, only offering food that can be made without glamour. They had to use the magic for the campus, see. One of the reasons I knew this would work."

Corrie felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up. Mardalan loomed over her, all icy white, black, and red hair. "Get off of him. He is my rightful prey."

"Gladly," said Corrie, scrambling to her feet. Naomi and Edie helped her up. Rico helped Dawn get off of Feloc as well, but Celao continued hanging onto him. "We were just... holding him for you," Corrie said. She wasn't sure whether it would work, but she had to at least try to convince Mardalan that they were on her side. Not that she had any idea if Mardalan was on their side.

"Indeed," said Mardalan icily. She put one foot down on Feloc's chest. "Celao, if you please."

"He's all yours, milady," said Celao, releasing Feloc. "Just making sure he stays down. He's at least as tricky as you are and you got away."

"We shall see about that," said Mardalan. Feloc struggled, attempting to push himself up with his arms and legs, but her foot on his chest seemed to hold him down. "Well, now, I thought I would have to dispose of you right away, but it seems that I've won without having to do that. What would be a fitting punishment?" She lifted one hand and snapped her fingers. There was a rustling sound, and her leafy servant appeared beside the throne. "Can you move that cage?" she asked it. "Bring it here?"

"Of course, my lady," said the servant in its rustling voice. It scurried off.

Corrie tugged at Naomi and Edie's arms. "Let's get out of here," she mouthed. If they could escape while Mardalan was distracted, maybe they wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.

Naomi just looked puzzled, but oddly, Edie shook her head, her mouth set in a firm line. Corrie took a step away, pulling at her sleeve, but Edie pushed off her hand and stood still. Well, crap. There was no way she was going to leave her best friend here, but they had to get away somehow.

They'd lost their chance, however. While she was trying to convince Edie to leave, the leafy servant had dragged the cage over, and with Celao's help, Mardalan had thrust both Feloc and Siffyd inside and shut the door. Then she turned, pinning them all in place with her stare. "And now for you humans," she said.

Corrie swallowed. "We helped you. You wouldn't have been able to get out of that cage without the iron I brought."

"Indeed." Mardalan lifted the piece of iron wire that she was still holding and eyed it distastefully. "If it were not for the fact that Celao took it from you by force, I would agree with you. And you." She turned and pointed the wire at Ever, who had been creeping sideways toward the crowd. "You are, technically, a traitor."

"Not against you," said Ever quickly.

Mardalan snorted. "And if you expect me to believe that you never betrayed our people when I was sole queen, then you must think I am stupider than you are. I know you have been meeting with the humans."

"Celao..." whispered Ever.

He grinned uncomfortably. "I swore not to tell Belara and Feloc. But I had to tell her. Otherwise it wouldn't have worked out."

"Damn you," said Ever.

"But I am a merciful queen," said Mardalan. "I am willing to spare your life in exchange for the life that brought you here. Bring me the human musician Annie, and you may go free."

Ever straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. "That will never happen."

"We need new musicians," said Mardalan. "Or the people will rebel against me for not fulfilling my promises, and then there will be chaos. If you care for the humans, you will do this."

"I'll let you execute me first," said Ever.

"Wait," said Corrie as an idea occurred to her. Her heart was pounding.

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