Chapter 10: Love Lives

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Tuesday, November 25

Corrie and Dawn stood outside Professor Lal's office, leaning against the wall and making desultory chat. They had come to her office hours to ask her about Corrie's idea for an information exchange, but there was someone in there already, probably discussing work for magic class. They certainly didn't want to interrupt, but neither of them could think of anything interesting to do while they waited.

Corrie had been deep in her homework the night before when Edie had returned from walking Leila home (wherever home was), sooner than Corrie had expected. Edie had seemed unhappy, but when Corrie asked if she wanted to talk about it, she wouldn't. Corrie hadn't pressed, since she'd been so busy. Now she was wondering if she should have. True, she and Leila had a truce, but that didn't mean she entirely trusted her with her friend's heart—just her physical safety.

Then again, maybe this exchange would make things better. Leila would be able to visit Edie more often and Edie would be happier. Corrie sighed and shifted her shoulders, resting more fully against the wall.

"So," she said to Dawn, reminded of this topic by her thoughts about their other friend's love life, "do you and Rico have plans for what to do over Thanksgiving break?"

Dawn smiled, which she always did whenever Rico was mentioned. Corrie liked that. "We don't have any particular plans," she said. "I mean, it's just a few days, so we won't be miserable apart, I hope. But we'll probably talk on the phone some. We have each other's home phone and cell phone numbers."

"Not bringing him home to meet the parents?" Corrie teased.

Dawn blushed, turning her face away slightly. "Not yet."

"Aww, you two are going to get married and have adorable little round babies." Corrie poked Dawn in the side.

Dawn laughed and pushed her hand away. "Not anytime soon, I hope!" Then her grin turned wicked. "And how's your love life going?"

"Oh, don't remind me," Corrie groaned theatrically, throwing her hands over her eyes. Then she peeked between her hands and grinned back at Dawn. "No prospects. But it's okay. I'm too busy for a boyfriend."

"You haven't talked to Byron?"

Corrie shook her head, dropping her hands. That wasn't something she wanted to joke about. She was still a little mad at him—not to mention unwilling to say he might have been right about Leila. That hadn't been the real issue, anyway. She frowned and forced her mind away from that train of thought, but it just turned to a different ex—Paul. She closed her eyes and looked within herself at her magic, shining brightly. Maybe she could use that to get him to leave her alone somehow...

Her eyes opened again as she had an idea. "I know magic now."

"Well, yeah." Dawn raised her eyebrows.

"I was thinking about Paul," Corrie said. "I wonder if I could use my own magic to get rid of that stupid spell the Circle of the Goddess girls put on him."

Dawn nodded slowly. "I'm sure you could do it yourself. But unless you asked them how it worked, how would you know what to do?"

Corrie shrugged. "It seemed like a pretty simple spell. They just told him to leave me alone. I bet if I went into trance, I would be able to see the spell."

"But is it safe to go into trance around Paul?"

Corrie rolled her eyes. "Come on, he's not a serial killer. Or... anything like that. He's just kind of obsessive. If I thought it wasn't safe to be around him, then I wouldn't be taking the spell off at all."

Dawn opened her mouth as though she was going to say something else, but then Professor Lal's door opened. "Thanks a lot, Prof," said Michelle, a girl Corrie recognized from their magic class. She waved and hurried away.

Professor Lal turned to the two of them and pursed her lips. "Corrie, Dawn. Is this urgent? I am sure you are not in need of any assistance with your classwork, and I have quite a list of students waiting for my help."

Corrie's eyes widened. "No, it's not that important. I didn't know there were so many people waiting. I'm sorry."

"It can certainly wait until after Thanksgiving break, at least," said Dawn.

Professor Lal nodded, then turned her gaze down the hall. Corrie glanced that way to see Michelle just disappearing around the corner. When she turned back, the professor had taken another step toward them. "Can you come back this evening?" she asked in a soft voice. "I wish to discuss something with you. And bring Roe and Edie, if you can."

"Sure," said Corrie, puzzled.

"I have to leave tonight, actually," said Dawn. "My parents will be here around eight."

"Then, seven o'clock?" said Professor Lal.

They both nodded. "I'll let Roe and Edie know," said Corrie.

"Tonight, then," said the professor, and shut her door.

Corrie and Dawn walked slowly away. "What was that about?" Corrie asked.

"I have no idea," Dawn said. "But I'm sure it's not good."

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