Chapter 124: Disheveled

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"Don't be ridiculous," said Mardalan, but she turned back toward them with a small frown. "I've done nothing to my sister. Why would I wish to? Neither insult nor injury has persuaded her to join me. If they are insufficient, perhaps now is not the time, and I will bide mine."

"That's not true," said Edie. "It can't be. She's hidden herself away—they said she's hibernating. In Faerie."

"Is that all?" Mardalan threw her head back and laughed aloud. "Child, don't you know that's what my sister does? In the winter, or when she's bored, or when she merely wishes to take herself away from the world for a little while. She may sleep for years. She did it for nearly a hundred of them once. It's a pity she made such a poor choice of human lovers, or you would have forgotten her already and this would go easier for her."

"No!" said Edie. Corrie grabbed her again, since she really looked like she was going to attack Mardalan. This time Naomi grabbed her too, so Corrie was hopeful that she wouldn't get away.

"She wouldn't leave me," Edie said. "Not without a reason. Not unless she's been hurt, or... or badly frightened."

"And what could do that to her? Me? I don't think so." Mardalan shook her head. "Look to this former king and queen, if you will. And if it is not the same boredom that she has with all her human lovers, she will return now that Belara is dead and Feloc is trapped."

"But—" Edie began again. Mardalan whirled on her, fingers curling into claws.

"Stop your mewling before I change my mind," she growled. "You tire me. Begone, and do not return until you have information on a music teacher to bring to me."

"Let's go," Ever agreed fervently. Edie stopped resisting so hard, and Corrie and Naomi managed to pull her away, Dawn and Rico right on their heels and Ever leading the way. The crowd of faeries parted for them, and they rushed out the main doors. Corrie's legs ached to be running as fast as she could, to leave the faerie court behind her, but she would leave her friends behind if she did that.

They didn't stop or slow until they were definitely back on campus, through the edge of the trees. Corrie finally let go of Edie's arm. Then they heard a shout. Corrie turned to face it, her heart thudding in anticipation of some new danger, only to see Roe and Annie running toward them, with Professor Lal moving at a more sedate pace behind. She'd been right after all—Roe was on her way to save them. It was a good thing they'd gotten out some other way, or Annie would have been in a lot of danger.

Roe skidded to a stop in front of them and grabbed Corrie and Edie at once in a hug. "You're okay!" she said. "What happened in there? Did you find out what happened with the books and the knife and everything? You were gone so long, I got scared. Professor Lal thought you would be going to the faerie court, so that's where we headed."

"You were right," Corrie said, smiling. "But we managed to make it out. Um—I think we should talk about this in private somewhere. But we do need to tell you guys what happened."

"Annie, you shouldn't have come," said Dawn as Roe gave everyone else hugs.

Annie shook her head. "I couldn't just stand back and wait to find out what would happen. I'm glad you guys are all okay." But of course she was looking at Edie.

"I take it something of interest happened there, as you look somewhat disheveled," said Professor Lal. "Was Siffyd indeed working with the court faeries?"

"She was working with Belara and Feloc," said Corrie. "Short version, Mardalan got out and beat them and now we need to find a music teacher."

Annie and Roe stared at her in open confusion. Even the usually somewhat unflappable Professor Lal had her mouth open slightly. The professor shook her head and snapped her mouth shut before speaking. "We'd better hear the long version. Shall we go to the teachers' lounge in the magic building?"

"Please," said Ever. "I could really use something to eat. Or drink. I wasn't going to touch that stuff Mardalan glamoured up."

Professor Lal raised one eyebrow at her. "Are you back with us, then?"

Ever grinned. "If you can find a spot for me. The room I had in Gilkey is still open, right?"

"Oh," said Edie. She sounded as though she'd been hurt.

Corrie turned to her quickly. "What is it?"

She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out an ID card, which she handed over to Ever. "This is yours. I never even got a chance to give it to Leila. I guess you're the one who needs it now."

Corrie took her arm for the walk to the magic building. She couldn't make her friend happy, but she could at least offer her a little comfort.

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