Chapter 74: Shelving

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Dawn's friends had argued about who would accompany her to the library until they finally agreed that Corrie and Edie would come in with her, and then Roe would come to replace Corrie when her class ended and Corrie had go to history class. They didn't give Dawn, who insisted that she really didn't need more than one person in the library watching her, much say in the matter.

"You know you're not going to be able to follow me around the whole time," she finally said to them, crossing her arms and glaring over the lunch table as best she could—she couldn't really work up an angry glare when it came to her friends, especially since they were just trying to protect her. "I have to work, and that mostly means shelving. I'm going to be moving from room to room."

"That's why there should be two of us the whole time," said Corrie. "One person can be in one room, and one person can be in another."

Dawn felt her glower turning to a smile despite herself. "You know there are more than two rooms in the library, right?"

"One person can be in the main area with the computers," said Roe. "You have to come through there, right?"

"Of course, to get more books," said Dawn. "But I won't be there the whole time."

"It's still a central area," said Roe. "And if Sarah is there, we'll be able to see her."

"Not if she's in the back offices," said Dawn. "They're blocked off for a reason. The librarians need some privacy."

"But if you go back there and she attacks you, you can shout and whoever's in the main room can come find you quickly," said Edie.

Dawn really grinned this time. "I'm not going to shout in the library!"

"If you're in trouble, you will," said Corrie, so firmly that none of them would have argued. "And I'll stay upstairs. I have some research to do anyway. No one's going to think it's weird. We come in with you all the time. I mean, lots of people must walk in with their friends."

"That's true." Dawn looked up at the clock on the wall of the dining hall. "Okay, I hope you've figured out what you want to do, because it's time to go anyway." She stood up and pulled her coat off the back of her chair.

The others stood up to follow her. "You're okay with taking up the computer station, right?" Corrie asked Edie.

"I have an essay to work on," said Edie. "I just hope I don't get so focused that I miss what's going on around me."

"There's probably no danger of that," said Dawn. "It gets noisier in there the closer it gets to finals. You won't be able to concentrate well."

They walked through the freezing campus, bending their heads against the wind; there were a few snowflakes fluttering about, too, though it didn't look like there was going to be a lot of snow. At least, Dawn hoped not. Thankfully, it wasn't too far to the library. They waved at Roe as they parted ways, then hurried through the glass doors into the library.

Emi waved at Dawn as she walked in, then pointed to a cart of books by the circulation desk. Dawn grinned and nodded, understanding perfectly. Emi was checking someone out, so she couldn't talk now, but it wasn't like Dawn didn't re-shelve books every day.

"Good luck," said Edie with a small smile as she looked around for an empty computer station.

"You, too," said Dawn. She gestured upstairs for Corrie. "I'll be up there in a few minutes. I have to put away my stuff and get the books."

"Right," said Corrie. She headed upstairs as Edie found an open computer and hurried over to start work.

Dawn went behind the circulation desk to drop her coat and bag in the employee area, then went back to start pushing the cart of books. By the time she had it in front of the desk, the student who was checking out books had left, so Dawn paused in front of Emi as though casually. "Hey," she said, "when's Sarah's next shift?"

"Hmm?" Emi looked up from the computer. Her hair was freshly dyed again, and a wisp of pink flopped over her left eye. "Not until Friday, I think. Why?"

Dawn shrugged nonchalantly. "Haven't seen her in a while. Just wondered."

"Well, she doesn't work that much. She agreed to pick up some hours during finals week, though. I might have you two scheduled together then."

Dawn's stomach churned. That wasn't for another week and a half. Not that she really wanted to meet Sarah, but she should at least find out if she was who Dawn thought she was. Maybe she could come back on Friday.

Before she could ask Emi to check the schedule for certain, though, another student came up with an armload of books to check out, and Emi shooed Dawn off upstairs to shelve books.

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