Chapter 120: The Killing

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Corrie was stunned. That explained why the magic had been coming back into the things they'd bought on campus. These faeries were actively working to bring it back. And now she feared that she couldn't even trust her own emotions. She'd checked her poster that morning, but maybe something had changed since then. Or maybe it had somehow picked up a new sticker, or was changing her emotions without the sticker. She didn't know what it could be doing. She resolved that, if she got out of this, she was going to burn the poster. There was no point in risking it. She'd just buy everything off-campus from now on.

But that didn't apply to the food in the dining hall, did it? It wasn't grown on campus—unless they got some things from the environmental co-op—but she paid by swiping her ID every time she ate. Was the food they ate affecting their minds now? How much power did Feloc and Belara really have?

"So that's your goal?" Edie asked while Corrie was still thinking. "Just get rid of all the humans?"

"And those who sympathize with them," said Belara. "Then the land will be ours again."

"And then what?" Edie asked. "Expansion? Will you try to get the humans out of the entire state, or the whole continent?"

"Don't be ridiculous," said Feloc. "That would be too much for us to rule on our own. We'll just take this land—the land that is ours by right, and has been since time immemorial."

"And that's why you got rid of Leila—I mean, Yedara," said Edie. Corrie turned to look at her. Her face was red with anger, though she was controlling her voice. "She loves humans. She's one of the ones you want to get rid of."

Belara frowned. It covered her fangs slightly, making her look less threatening. "We'd prefer to convince her to side with us, if we can—that's why we aided Mardalan. We thought that either outcome, whether she attacked her sister or chose to join her, would help our cause. We don't care for killing, since it's so messy, and we know she can't leave the area. But we'll kill her if we have to."

"We haven't touched her yet," said Feloc. "But don't get so upset, little hybrid. You're just a pet to her."

Edie shook her head fiercely. "You did something to her. That's why she's hidden in Faerie and can't come out."

Belara laughed. "Is that what you think? Perhaps we did do something to her," she said, looking at Feloc. "She understands what we're doing and she's so frightened that she's gone into hibernation when she didn't have to."

"Don't be silly," said Feloc. "She just got tired of her human pet. She went into hibernation so she wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. Maybe she has the right idea."

"You're right," said Belara, stretching her back in an angle that would have been impossible for a human. "But I don't think hibernation is the best choice. After all, our people would miss us. Wouldn't you?" The last was pitched to carry to the crowd, and another cheer erupted from it, making Corrie shiver.

"Yes," said Feloc. "Let's kill them. Start with—" A scream interrupted him.

All eyes turned to the side of the throne, where Siffyd, the source of the scream, struggled. But every time she moved her arm or leg, her captor just stretched to accommodate her—it was Celao. And he had a length of wire, which Corrie suspected had come from her bracelet, wrapped around Siffyd's throat.

"I don't think you'll be doing the killing today," he said. Siffyd's eyes bulged as she struggled to free herself. Her neck was already red from the iron, and steam was rising from her skin. Corrie automatically backed away in revulsion.

"Leave that to me," came another voice. Corrie gasped. Mardalan was standing behind the thrones—and she, too, had a length of wire, which she was holding to Belara's throat in the same manner. "I've heard quite enough of this. Your plan would kill you both eventually, but I'd rather you didn't destroy the rest of our world in the meantime." She punctuated her words with jerks on the wire. Belara's mouth opened wider and wider, but if she was trying to scream, she didn't have the breath for it.

Feloc leaped up to stand on his throne, his furry tail bushing out like an angry cat's. "Don't just stand there!" he roared. "Stop her!"

With a grunt, the rocklike faerie holding Corrie released her and Dawn and lumbered toward Belara and Mardalan. Corrie, freed, exchanged a single glance with Dawn. Then they both ran for Feloc and knocked him off his throne. Corrie, kneeling on his chest while Dawn held down his legs, lifted her braceleted wrist to his eyes. "I've still got iron," she said. "You've lost."

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