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Red lights flash almost blindly around me as i push through the bustling crowd. Cries could be heard in every direction and I could faintly hear the distant ambulances. I knew immediately that this was a bad situation.

A booming fire engulfs a towering apartment building. Firefighters in uniform shouts orders almost violently loud at each other. I can barely see the first group of them dragging hoses into the building as another man is lifted up by the contraption on top of one of the trucks.

However none of that was the reason I am currently shoving my way through the crowd. I'm not a hero. I know to leave these situations to the professionals. The reason I'm currently rushing in is because of a man. A man I say walk nonchalantly out of said building with a mask and baseball cap. With no care about the raging fire in the upper levels of the building.

I couldn't put out the fire and I can't help the victims. However I can catch the bad guy. Thats why I'm rushing into danger so valiantly. I couldnt see him anymore. He trailed down a small side alley beside the apartment building and I rush to try and reach him.

Though I'm thwarted by the closely approaching sirens. One of the fire fighter begins screaming at the crowd of people, "make way! Evacuate the vicinity! If you're hurt please see the incoming doctors! Make way!"

The mans barking orders dont seem to affect the hysterical crowd though. However when the ambulances begin honking loudly at the civilians they move hastily. I continue to wind my way through the crowd as more sirens approach. These ones unmistakable being the police. Who quickly get out of the flashing vehicles and attempt to gain control over the crazed crowd.

I finally make it through the throng of people but step into another mess of people. EMT's run back and forth with stretchers as fire fighters bring out people on their backs. Others were still barking orders. Plus now there is the added mess of the police attempting to push back the crowd to give said workers space.

I walk ahead heading straight for that alley until a large buff older man stands infront of me with a deep set frown. His uniform is blackened and I know that he must have been one of the first teams to go in. He shakes his head violently at me and points over at the crowd, "you can't be here, step back, your in the way!"

I immediately recognize thats hes not being rude on purpose. He is stressed and trying to get this madness under control. I could respect that. I reach into my trench pocket pulling out my badge flashing it to him quickly. Then I practically yell back over all the noise, "I'm Detective Madden! I think I may have seen the suspect."

He eyebrows narrow and he glances back at his truck with a sigh, "fine, just stay out of the way. Theres not a minute to waste."

Then hes gone practically sprinting back to the truck where I lose sight of him. I then begin making my way around that very same truck. I go around the other side avoiding any collisions from the dedicated public workers. I make myself as invisible as I can as to not be in the way.

I get to the alley in no time but just as I expected hes long gone. However my jaw clenches and my fist curls in anger as I see whats spray painted on the wall. Sketchy child like flames flare up at the bottom of the wall. Above it in huge yellow letters 'lucky #1' is written out. I reach into my pocket again and grab my phone. I snap a few photos of the still wet paint before a piercing scream is heard. My head snaps up the wall even farther until I see something that makes my heart stop.

A young girl, probably no older than 10 leans out of the window of the 9th floor screaming loudly for help. She coughs violently almost falling out.

"Stay still! Its okay! Be good and stay still! I'll be right back!" I scream as loudly as I can up at her and she looks down at me with with a loud sob, "I'll be right back! I'll help you, I swear!"

Then I sprinting out of the alley and to the front of the big red truck. To a man who yells orders with his back to me.

"Sir!" I scream and he turns around hurriedly. I can honestly say I hate myself for my first reaction upon seeing him. The man is exceptionally attractive but I quickly snap out of those thoughts.

"What are you doing! Get back!" He yells with much the same look at the first man had. I shake my head violently and point up at the building.

"Little girl! 9th floor! Shes screaming outside the window of the Alley! The fires started on that floor!" I shout at him and his eyes go wide as he grabs his walkie.

"Status on the fire?" He bellowed into the speaker. A crackly sound is heard and a voice answers.

"Clear up till the 8th floor stair case. Team 3 is keep it at bay on the 8th floor, we're making stead way up to the 9th floor sir!" The man clicks off and the tall man infront of me puts his helmet on hurriedly.

"A little girl was confirmed to be spotted on the 9th floor, its been over an hour. Safety first but speed up! I'm coming in with reinforcements for any other possible survivors!" The man say as he put on more equipment. He then waves down the older man who was screaming up at the man on the ladder, "I'm going in Richard! Hold down the fort! There's a kid up there!"

The older man stares wide eyed at the man who obviously hold superiority and nods, "got it chief!"

The man then turns back to me, "you should get back now! We'll handle it!" He shouts at me over he commotion. However I just shake my head no and run back to the alley. However he screams at me, "tell her to shut the window! Curl into a ball and cover her face with her clothes!"

I hold up a thumbs up just as I round the corner into the secluded alley. I can vaguely hear the little girls cries, "hey!"

She peeks over the ledge of the window instantly, "help me! It hurts! Please my mommy isnt waking up!"

My heart breaks for the lottle girl and I hope that they can reach her before anything bad happens to either of them, "its okay sweetie! I just got some big strong men to come and save you! You just have to be really brave! For your mom! Okay? Can you be brave?"

She hiccups violently through her sobs and nods her head, "y-yeah!"

"Good girl! Now listen to me I need you to follow my direction so you can be safe! I need you to cover your nose and mouth with your clothes. Like this!" I pull my tshirt over my face and my arm before letting them fall back into place, "then I need to to shut the window and get down into a tight ball! Protect your head!"

She cries even harder at my wprds but follows my directions. She pulls her bright pink shirt over her face and I grip at my chest. She doesnt deserve this. Then looks down at me, "will you be outside waiting!"

She yells out just as she grabs the window and i nod exaggeratedly, "of course! Just be brave!"

She sniffles loudly and nods before pulling the window shut and hopefully getting as close to the ground as possible. I breath heavily and my throat already hurts from lack of use. However i ignore that as i rush back to the front. I hurry to go closer to the stretchers that the awaiting EMTs have set up but am stopped by a gloved hand.

"You gotta get back kid, its not safe here," the older fire fighter says in a much nicer voice just as a voice from from his radio.

"Seven unconscious so far!" A deep mans voice calls out. A voice that i recognize as the man's.

"Copy!" He then begins walking towards the EMT personal but us stopped by a shout from above.

"Waters going slow sir!" The older man growls and turns back to me with a frown.

"If you not gonna get out of the way then make yourself useful! Go tell the docs seven more unconscious!" He barks at me before rushing to the truck. I immediately finish on my path to the EMTs.

I see a man and a woman who's is wearing a nurse uniform hovering over a woman who looks absolutely heartbroken, "excuse me! I'm sorry, excuse me?"

The man turns to me and I'm once again taken aback by the mans looks. He has an almost angelic look about him, "yes?"

"Oh! I'm sorry but there's seven more unconscious coming down!" I yell before turning away from the attractive man and going towards the side of the gurneys.

I take deep breaths remembering the young girls tear streaked face. My chest constricts painfully at the thought and I pray to whatever otherworldly being out there that she comes out alive.

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