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(Kent's POV)

I have never felt the way I do now. Ayden and I have always been comfortable in our relationship. Enough to even recognize another mans looks or body. We did the same with Collin. We both acknowledged that we thought he is incredibly attractive and it wasn't weird. However I've never liked the personality of one of those men. Usually we never see them again.

I knew Ayden was also confused as I am. He had even openly admitted to thinking Collin was hot. He wouldnt have done that solely based on looks. Ayden is an absolute sweetheart and is a thousand time more attracted to a person's mind than their actual appearance. Plus he wouldn't even look at me properly. Which means hes feeling unnecessary guilt for these thoughts. Thoughts that I'm having as well.

I glance to the passenger seat of my personal truck and see Collin looking out the window with a thoughtful expression. I look back at the road and frown. I really needed to talk to Ayden about this. I despised secrets and deception. A small part of me felt like that's what I'm doing even though i know I'm not. Communication is always best in relationships.

"Do you ever go back into a building after you're done with it?" I snap out of my thoughts immediately at the sound of Collins deep voice.

"Uh yeah, I'm actually on recon duty quite often. We go back to find out the cause," I respond a awkwardly at first and I know he picks up on it because he looks at me with furrowed brows.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks in and even deeper tone of voice. Confusion lining his words. I mentally curse in my head. I hate lying so I wouldn't so that. I wasn't about to change my morals over this one conversation. That didn't make it any easier to say though.

"No, of course not Collin," I respond with a slight smile but he just continues to stare at me. He doesn't say anything else and i know its because he doesn't really like confrontation so I sigh and continue, "its just that im attracted to you too. I'm confused and need to talk to Ayden."

I hear a strangled chock amd glance over to see him staring at me with shocked eyes. He looks away out the window with wide eyes, "when the hell did I become attractive enough to start bringing in such handsome men?"

He whispers that and I'm not sure I was even meant to hear but I bust out laughing. He looks at me in horror and I just shake my head at him, "it makes me feel a bit better that your also attracted to us."

The softest and sweetest blush rises to his cheeks and he grumbles slightly, "now I know how the Doc feels."

"Ayden is just to cute when he blushes for me to not tease him," I respond with another laugh. I see him stare out the window with a bewildered expression.

"You guys are the strangest couple I've ever met. Is jealousy not a word in your vocabulary?" He asks still looking out the window. I laugh and shrug.

"We dont have any need to be jealous because we trust each other. But yeah, it's in our bank of words we know," I answer with a grin. He huffs out a small laugh. Before he smiles down at his drumming fingers on his leg.

"That's nice," is all he says in response. Has he been cheated on? He looks almost desperate. Does he want that? I couldn't see why anybody wouldn't. Its honestly perfect and an extremely healthy relationship. But why does he looks so sad?

Neither of us say anything for the rest of the drive. It wasn't necessarily an awkward silence. It just felt a bit tense. I couldn't help but wonder if he has been through a rough relationship. I also knew that I needed to stop being so nosy. It wasn't any of my business.

When we finally pull up to the first burned building the tension switches to apprehension and sadness. There were families, about three chatting and staring up at the building from the sidewalk in distraught. It was heartbreaking. The best part of being a firefighter is when the fire is put out. However for the victims it doesn't stop their pain.

They have to deal with the aftereffects. The loss and the pain. I hear a soft sigh and look over to see Collin staring with a pained expression. He understands that as well. That must be why he's so adamant about catching this guy and others like him. Why he's a detective. I wonder just how much he can relate to the victims he saves everyday. I knew everyone had a story. No matter how small. It can be significant enough to change a person's fate.

I let out a deep breath shaking my head of all the deep thoughts. I put on a smile and tap Collin out of his own mind. I step out of the truck and have only thing on my mind. I really need to talk to Ayden.

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