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"Careful through here, floor is about to cave in,' I hear Kent say from in front of me. However his voice is a bit distant as I'm taking in the scene. We were currently in the room where the first fire started. Everything was charred and blackened by ash. It was a sad sight. I frown as I notice the apartment is completely devoid of all homely elements. Did no one live here?

My first thought had been that he had broken in or had set it in the hallway, but Kent assured me that this was the origin. And empty apartment? Then was he a new tenant? I frown as I dig in my pocket still glancing around methodically.

I grab my phone immediately and hit the first number on speed dial. As I wait for it to ring my eyes catch sight of Kent as he exits a door off to the right and wipes a bit of sweat of his forehead. It really was hot in here but something in the way he moved made that small action feel so attractive.

My thoughts are interrupted when the phone is answered. I put it on speaker and continue surveying the area, "Ayo! Heard you got big one dude! You just got back from those bigoted assholes that hate your guts and you wanna do it again? So soon? Bro you need a vacation!"

"Karin you could have said hello," I grumble out already tired from the same woman sucking out my life force to feed her own. I swear it's something she can do.

"Why? I got caller ID dude, I knew it was you," she answers in a sarcastic tone.

I rub my head just as I spot something out of the corner of my eye, "anyway I didn't call to check in darling. I need you to find some people, the owners of the two buildings. Check if there were any new tenants or employees."

"Ugh yes sir," she grumbled before once again going off track, "so I heard you get to stay with sexy firemen! You lucky dog! Everyone knows how smoking the chief is!"

I literally hear Kent choke on nothing but avoid looking in his direction as I sigh, "literally no one is as much of a perv as you are Karin, no one at the precinct anyway."

"What do you mean? Are you jealous? It's okay sweety all the ladies here find you undeniably attractive, it's just a shame your into men. That's why you gotta give me the deets on the hotness going on over there! Do you guys sleep together? Get dressed together? Oh do you shower-."

I hang up hurriedly and close my eyes breathing in harshly. I can't bring myself to look at Kent and just make my way to a pile of rubble.

"Your friend?" I hear from right behind me and look back startled that he had managed to sneak up on me.

"She's something, I'm starting to think friend is to much. For now let's just say coworker," I grumble out as I avoid eye contact. I look back around and squat to move the debris aside. I quickly spot a small one gallon gasoline jug and dig in my pockets for gloves.

"By the way," I literally jump out of my skin as I feel Kent's breath blow lightly on the back of my neck, "we don't shower together but there can always be an exception."

I turn back with surprised eyes and a slightly red face just to see him wearing a huge grin, "what?"

He shakes his head with a boisterous laugh, "you're pretty fun to tease as well Collin."

I turn away immediately, "no, and stop that. You got Ayden to tease. Anyway it seems this is the cause.

I pull on my gloves with a snap and pick up the container while standing up. I turn around holding out the evidence carefully. I look at Kent who is slightly frowning down at the ground.

I leave him be and continue my walk through of the apartment. I don't find anything else that seems of importance though. So I return to the entrance area where Kent is standing with his hands shoved deep in his pockets and a thoughtful expression.

"Pretty much done, ready for the next one?" I ask as I once again pull my phone out and dial the precinct number.

Kent looks at me as I the phone begins ringing on speaker. He smiles but just nods and waves his hands letting me go first. I furrow my brows in confusion to his sudden change in demeanor and just walk ahead.

"Captain Crux," I sigh as I realize who answered.

"It's Madden Cap," I mumble, "I need a officer to transport evidence to the lab."

"Oh! Madden! You being nice? I'll send the closest officer to retrieve it, so how has it been? You haven't been getting on the Ringos nerves right?"

"I'm literally always nice, who is telling you I'm anything else? Because Karin isn't a valid source," I grumble and sigh as I trail down the steps taking the same path Kent told me to on the way up.

"We'll as long as things are going good, you're training has been scheduled. Your first trainer will give it to you, his name is Dr. Ayden Mintz. I don't wanna hear any shit about taking first aid. It's mandatory," he says in a stern voice and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"I was never gonna give anyone a hard time, I'll listen to the Doc and anyone else I have to," I mutter a bit annoyed, "I gotta get to the next building."

"I had Trevor radio for someone to come, they're probably waiting for you outside, be good Collin," he responds quickly before hanging up. I groan and shove my phone back into my pocket.

We reach the entrance quickly and it doesn't go unnoticed that Kent is uncharacteristically quiet. I don't bother him though because he seemed deep in thought plus we weren't necessarily friends. I spot the officer immediately and he bags the jug hurriedly before disappearing.

I look back at Kent to see him staring intently at the ground. I frown. Had I done something? He had just been teasing me. What happened in that span of time to change his demeanor so drastically? I push back my hair tiredly and sigh before continuing to his truck. He follows and unlocks it. Then we're off both deep in thought.

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