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This fire was even worse. It felt like an endless amount of people were people carried out and when a fire man was carried out the crowd went into somewhat of a depression. Seeing their heros being defeated was heartbreaking.

However they did it. The fire was put out and I am angrier than ive ever been. This bastard was playing with life because he potentially had a fucked up childhood. What did that mean for all these other people? Were they meant to be traumatized because of some selfish criminal? I needed to get a grip on this situation. I needed to take control. Two fires, two days. Did that mean it would be a daily occurrence? That didnt give me much time at all before the next one.

Why was he attacking this area? Would they continue to appear around here? I grab my phone and dial up the Captain, "tell me good news Madden."

"Its over but I need to investigate. Both buildings. Do i have permission to do that?" I ask with a deep set frown and the Captain sigh.

"First you must learn the conditions of being on the case, come to the station, so we can talk," he orders and I glare at the ground.

"Yes sir, on my way," I answer and he hangs up. I begin walking away from the scene but a rough hand grabs onto my arm tightly. I flip around to tell whoever it is off but find the handsome fire chief.

"Hey, got a minute?" He asks with a grin. I glance down at his hand on my arm and then back at him. He lets go with a chuckle and i fully turn to face him.

"What can I help you with?" I question and cant help but notice his short dirty blond hair is dirty and sticks to his face with sweat. Ash streaks cover his face and uniform but he still manages to look extremely attractive. His eyes are a sandy green and look incredibly kind.

"I wanted to thank you for yesterday," he beams at me and I furrow my brows in confusion.

"You have nothing to thank me for, you are the ones who save the day, thanks for all your hard work," I praise in the nicest voice I can muster before waving at him and walking away again.

I leave the scene with my frown slowly coming back. I hoped these conditions wouldn't be to hard to follow. To me the only thing that mattered was catching the criminal, so that no one else would become a victim. That was what is mpst important.


The precinct was in the heart of the city and easily found. I get there in 30 minutes just by walking. I enter with my same hard expression passing my the stationed police officers going straight for the stairs. Once again ignoring the elevator.

I walk up the two flights to get to the third floor. I push out of the staircase and walk through the hall with my hands deep in my pockets and my head down. I didnt need attention right now.

I get to the Captains with no issue and knock loudly. I hear him call me in with a quiet, almost inaudible, voice. I open the door and close it behind me right after. He looks up at me with another sigh and waves to the seat across from him.

I sit quietly and he pushes a file across the desk. I open it to see the lab results from the alley, "you have permission to head the investigation and use any resource necessary, but there are a few conditions."

I look up at him and nod closing the file and tucking it under my arm, "like what?"

"You have to work with the Special Fire task force, the new one," he states with a raised brow. I give him a confused look.

"The one where the fire department started working with the EMTs? To better their success rate?" I ask with a strange voice, "why would I work with them?"

"This is a highly dangerous man, he lights the fire and leaves, they will be investigating the cause of the fire and you need to be there, especially because you need to be with a trained professional to go into the buildings. This sadly wont be the last fire, we have no way of finding the culprit as of right now. No leads, so the best course of action is to team up with the professionals to help as many victims as possible. You will be temporarily sent to the Fire station to be trained for any situation that may occur, this is so we can catch this dirty bastard with as many casualties as possible," he explains in a demanding tone. Letting me know that i had no argument in this case. Which didnt really matter to me. I completely understood his logic. Being so close to the Fire squads I can get quick access to the crime scenes. It didnt mean i completely liked it though, so in just frown at the desk and nod. He sighs and nods back, "lets go, I'll take you to the station."

I look at him surprised, "its starts now?"

"Yes, the trained EMT squad will now be staying there full time as well, at least until we can catch the monster," he amswers and stands up grabbing his jacket.

I nod solemnly and briefly depart from him to walk down the stairs as he takes the elevator. On the ground floor we meet up and i follow him to his car. Wr drive in silence thinking of the situation at hand. Things could get really bad, really fast.

If the perpetrator does really light a building on fire everyday, it could be terrible. The captains right. We have no definite idea of who this person is. I can profile him and search up key words but who know how long that could take. There could be thousands who fit the description. The best course of action is to catch him in the act. Which was also the worst scenario. We basically have to wait until he does move which puts people in danger.

I run a hand through my hair in nervousness. I could only hope that we can catch him as soon as possible. Hopefully being with the first responders could make me reach him as quickly as possible. So that no one would die.

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