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"Be nice Madden," Cap warns in a firm voice. I scoff. I didn't understand why everyone thought i wasn't nice. I've never done anything to prove I wasn't. I guess that just doesn't matter to others though.

"I'm always nice," I answer as we step through the fire station doors. Immediately were greeted by a bored fireman behind a desk. He leans back in his chair dangerously close to falling. When he spots us the chair slams down on all four and he grins at us.

"What can i do for ya?" He asks with a deep southern twang. The captain smiles and steps closer.

"I'm Captain Williams, im here to speak to your Captain," he speaks holding out his badge for the fireman to see. He nods and picks up a telephone.

"Chief the police Captain is here, to see Captain Bennett," he listens to the phone for a minute, "yes sir, got it."

He hangs up and turns to us again with a grin, "follow me to see the Captain."

We follow the younger man through halls and i realize this place is a lot bigger than it looks like. I dont pay much attention though. I was in my head thinking about strategies to catch this guy as quickly as possible.

"Its here," he says pointing to a door. He steps back after knocking and salutes us before returning to his post. I smile slightly at the young man. He sure was energetic.

"Come in," a firm voice sounds out and Cap opens the door and i follow him in with my hands behind my back.

"John! So glad to see you after so long," Captain Bennett saya standing up with a small smile. He's an older man just like my Captain but is bald.

Captain walks up to him with his own smile and shakes his hand, "it's always a pleasure George."

"Please sit, I heard the news from the director," he says and glances at me, "is this the Detective on the case?"

I salute to show my respect and he laughs at me, "Detective Collin Madden sir."

"Its nice to meet you son, please sit, I'm sure we have lot to talk about, my head Chief should be here any second," he says just as a knock sounds on the door, "come in Caddel!"

The door opens and i immediately make eye contact with the handsome fire man whos eyes raise in surprise before he salutes to his Captain, "sir."

"Come sit Caddel, we all have a lot to discuss," the Captain Bennet orders in a kind tone. I decide to finally sit as I see the chief flop into a chair, "so John we got one fucked up situation on our hands, dont we?"

"Hell yeah, a sticky one for sure, I'll let Madden explain it though, he caught it," Cap nods before gesturing at me and i sit up straighter feeling all eyes on me.

"The fires are intentionally being lit, I saw the possible culprit exit the building on elm st as the building was already on fire. He had absolutely no care in the world as he skipped around to the alley. Thats why I went onto the scene, but was stopped by personal and missed him. The bastard spray painted the burning building as people were in it," I recite and hand the file over to the Fire force Captain, "I need in those buildings, the second one im sure has writing somewhere in it."

"Those buildings are incredibly dangerous, I'm not sure its safe for someone who untrained to go in, do you happen to have any?" He asks with furrowed brows and I sit up straighter and frown.

"Yes sir, tactical and safety training," I mutter slightly and he looks at me with wide eyes as if realizing something.

"Army man? I guess you do have the basics down then, I can probably get you clearance if you take one of my men with you," he says tapping his chin. My frown deepens when he mentions the Army.

"The Marines, sir, I served in the Marines," I say somehow slipping into a robotic state. He looks at me impressed.

"Thank you for your service, I don't think this should be very hard then, what did you do if I may ask?" He asks and I freeze slightly. Flashbacks consume me before a tap is felt on my shoulder. I snap my head to look at the handsome chief. I close my eyes and sigh.

"I was on attack and rescue sir, I was lieutenant of the search and Rescue team," I spit out as calmly as I can and he nods his head understandingly.

"I understand son, and i thank you for your service," he says before saluting me back with a smile. I can't help but let out one as well, "you shoudnt need much training but it's unfortunately still mandatory for you to take it just incase theres a scenario that we need you in the burning building. My mens top priority will always be the safety of the residents and the fire. So if the scenario of the man being in the fire should arise you need to be fully prepared."

I nod at him. That made a lot of sense. I wasn't equiped with all the skills to go into a burning building and actually help. I could understand the need for some training, "yes sir."

He smiles and looks at the Chief, "Caddel you're the head of the special task force, so I'll let you train him. Have Dr. Mintz also refresh him on some first aid as well. Can't hurt, this partnership is much the same as with the EMT squad, he will be residing here on call at all times just like any fire man. The EMTs will also be staying here for the time being."

"Oh! Yes sir," Chief Caddel answers with a nod, "of course."

Captain Bennet nods with a grin, "alright we start as soon as possible, you two are dismissed."

Caddel and I stand and salute almost in sync before he walks towards the door. I look down at my Captain, "I will report to you my findings."

Then i follow the chief to the door and follow him out. He closes the door and starts walking down the hall. However he stops and I almost run into his back. He turns around just as I stumble back. We end up really close and I step back hurriedly clearing my throat awkwardly.

He searches my face an I look away nervously. Then his face lights up as if he realizes something and a grin breaks out across his face. He holds his hand out and I grab it slowly, "Kent Caddel."

"Collin Madden," I respond leaving out my title just as he had. His grin widens and he throws a hand across my shoulder and begins walking again, "wha-."

"We're gonna be quite close with being together all the time, might as well start now," he answers my question that I hadnt even fully asked and I just walk beside him.

"Uh yes sir," I mutter quietly. The man is only about 3-4 inches taller than me but somehow his arm fit comfortably over my shoulders.

"Sir?" He barks out a laugh and shakes his head in amazement, "call me Kent. No need for formalities."

I nod at his words agreeing and he laughs. He seemed like a really joyful person. Very unlike the serious man i had talked to during that first fire. However I suppose anyone would be on edge during a situation like that.

"So Collin have you met Ayden?" He asks and I frown in confusion.

"No s- no," I say and he chuckles, "I'm not sure who that is."

"The pretty little Doctor who blushes like a tomato," he says and I snap my gaze up to him. He laughs at my expression.

"Uh the one that has the aura of an angel?" I ask with furrowed brows and his arm squeezes around my shoulders suddenly. He laughs loudly and nods exaggeratedly.

"Yes! Exactly! Angel is the Doctor the heads the EMT squad," Kent says wiping away a fake tear with chuckles spilling out, "you should so say that to him by the way."

"I may look like one but I'm certainly not a creep," I respond shrugging. He laughs again shaking his head.

"You dont look like a creep, more like hmm- a Greek God?" He puts a hand onehis chin as if thinking. I cant help the small blush the appears on my cheeks at his words. A man who looks like him saying that I look like a Greek God? Then what does he think he looks like? "Oh here we are, welcome to the Lobby!"

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