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It felt like hours before fire fighters came out carrying people to the gurneys. I watch the door in almost anxiousness. They bring out more than seven people however some of them were awake. They all have special orange bags on their heads that the EMTs rip off once their in their territory.

When the handsome fire fighter comes out carrying a small child in his arms I stop breathing. The pink shirt clues me in on who it is and I rush to meet him as he sits her on a stretcher. Someone takes the bag off and the girl looks around with tears flowing down her cheeks. When she spots me i finally start breathing again.

She throws herself into my arms sobbing loudly, "thank you! Thank you, thank you so much mister!"

I pat her back letting out a huge breath of relief before looking at the fire fighter, "her mother?"

"There," he says pointing to the door just as another fire fighter comes out with a woman.

"Hey sweetheart? Can I check you? Does anything hurt?" I glance over to see the angelic doctor smiling down at the girl.

She nods and pulls away from me and holds out her hand. Her wrist is swollen and purple. I assume she must have sprained it. I notice as the chief fire fighter rushes back into the chaos. I bend down slightly to look at the girl.

I reach into my inner trench pocket grabbing my business card, "hey, I have to go save other little girls but take this. It has my number, if you need anything call me and I'll come, okay?"

She sniffles and nods hurriedly. I smile down at her, "you were so brave, now be strong. Let this doctor make you feel better and be good."

I stand up straight glancing at the doctor whos staring at me with a soft smile. I look back at the girl and smile at her. I wave and rush towards one of the police who are marking off the area.

"Hey! I'm Detective Madden!" I state as I flash my badge and the police man gaps his mouth open at me and turns to salute me. I frown and point to the yellow tape, "let me borrow some of that."

He quickly complies getting me my own roll. I don't bother acknowledging him again and pull out my phone as I make my way back to the alley. I dial my precinct hurriedly. When the person finally answers I huff, "what now Madden?"

"Really? This is serious, there's a fire on Elm st as I'm sure you've heard Cap. Ive found evidence that it's foul play and that it might happen again," I grumble out as I begin tapping off the alley so no one can enter and disturb any evidence.

"Foul play? Do the Ringers know the cause?" My Captain asks in a much more serious voice.

"I haven't asked, its chaotic but I will, I'd like permission to pursue this guy," I state trying to remain calm. A small sigh is heard before he speaks again.

"A man? You already have a suspect?" He asks curiously in his deep rough voice.

"No but I saw a suspicious man come out of the building wearing a cap and mask. He went down the alley beside the burning building and when I managed to get to said alley I found fresh spray. It doesn't look good. We definitely need a forensic team down here. Theres probably not much to be learnt from the inside but this alley could have vital evidence," I rant through the my thought in a rush as I begin to hear cheers.

I look to see the crowd screaming and cheering their praise to the workers. As they begin packing up. Stretchers are loaded up into ambulances and the firefighters begin putting away their hoses. They had successfully put out the fire.

"Sounds like everything is going well, thats good, I'll talk to the board and the DA about you heading the case, but remember you can be picky of their decision," he says in an authoritative tone.

"Yes sir, and for right now?" I ask in a rough voice.

"Your orders are to go home and rest you just got back, dont push yourself, I'll send some forensic teams to forage and have people watch the crime scene," he puffs out in an aggravated tone, "I'll get back to you when I know Madden."

Then the phone hangs up and I shove it in my pocket with a sigh. I look at the scribbled words on the wall and sneer. Some people just had nothing better to do than to ruin lives. Unfortunately I had nothing better to do than to help. I begin making my way through the crowd off to the side attempting to slip away from the madness. I hope the fucker that did this didnt get lucky enough to kill someone by this.

I continue on my way down Elm st with a deep set frown. I had been on my way home after a long trial. I'm honestly exhausted. I hated spending the whole days outside of a court room. However the case was a big one and im thankful its over. Hopefully my track record can finally get back on track now that I proved everyone wrong. The case involved a man who had people go and bring in young girls to film child pornography.

Everyone had told me I was wrong in who I suspected. It was the last victims uncle. They assumed if he wanted to he could have started with her. They didnt account for the fact the the girl was lying about when it started. This isn't the first time the DA doubted my outlook. People knew me as the False Profiler. I'm not a profiler but I have a unique nack for seeing things others miss. People dont take my findings into account. Which leaves me a lone wolf with no partner and a record of solving big cases on my own.

I really want this case and knowing the higher ups they will no doubt be against it. They probably would completely ignore my findings. I hoped Cap could talk some sense in them. This guy couldnt be on the streets.

I sigh as I finally reach my aparment. Which is only 6 blocks from the accident. I wonder what made the perpetrator pick that specific building. I punch in the front door code and step in with the same annoyed expression.

I go up the stairs avoiding the elevator at all costs. I go up three flights of stairs to the fourth floor. I go to my apartment door and unlock it with a heavy breath. My thoughts consumed with fire, a little girl, and possible casualties. This was going to be a long night.

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