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"The fire that spread in an apartment building on Elm st was devastating. Over 100 people are without homes. 32 are still in the hospital with various injuries but thankfully there had been no death. The amazing task force of the fire department and the EMT ward has saved the day again. I guess it was a good idea for them to start working a bit closer with each other," the news reporter states with a small smile on her face. I frown at the fake expression and turn off the TV in irritation. How can you smile while saying such things? Without even the shred of decency to pretend your upset.

I roll my eyes and stand up walking into my kitchen with the purpose of getting more coffee. This morning the news has been all over yesterday evenings tragedy. Though fortunately for the police no one has suspected foul play. It would stop nosy interviewers from trying to get a scope. Which would just cause a city wide panic.

I breath out heavily and sip on my black coffee. I still felt exhausted. That just seemed to be my constant state these days. I begin rubbing my temples with a groan and sigh as I hear loud ringing from the living room.

I set my coffee down and walk back out of the kitchen picking my phone up off the side table. I answer it not bothering to look at the caller ID, "Detective Madden."

"Get ready, you got the case, theres another fire, get there as soon as possible to help the other teams, i don't want to hear any complaints about the conditions on you getting this case, I'll send you the address," my captain rants quickly before hanging up immediately. I jump into action quickly. Grabbing my coat and other belongings. I shove them in my coat as I exit my apartment. I check for the address and curse when i realize its only a couple streets away from the first one. I sprint all the way to the hectic scene. This fire is worse. Fire even begins to peek out of the window wildly. I curse and once again push through crowds. This time being a bit more rough.

It doesn't take me as long as this crowd isn't as crazed as yesterdays. Most of them just stare in absolute shock. I haven't even been able to check the other building for the cause. I had no doubt that the same person started both fires even without proof.

I rush onto the scene passing by medical personal and fire fighters carrying out people with those same bright orange head covers. Orders are thrown out everywhere. I rush to see if there's any type of Alley but there isn't on this building. I see one man barking orders and recognize it as the older gentleman named Richard.

"Hello!" I shout to be heard for the second day in a row. He snaps his head to look at me with an exasperated expression. He shakes his head.

"Listen detective, you really have to go, we can't do our job with people in the way!" He yells back before stopping a random fire fighter, "bring in more hoses, Kents up there fight a wall bigger than the great Wall of China!"

The man nods and hurries to carry out his orders. I breath out deeply, "the police would like to offer support to your crew, what do you need?"

He looks at me skeptically and glances up just as police sirens approach, "clear the area, the civilians are making it hard for the ambulances to come in!"

I nod and job over to the police man who get out hurriedly, "im detective Madden! The crowds needs pushed back, let's help give them some room!"

They look at me with wide eyes probably recognizing my name but they hurry to push the horde of people back. I then scan the scene. I travel the edge of the crowd over to the medical professionals. I stop behind a shorter man who leans over an old man.

"Is there anything the police can do for you sir?" I ask politely. The man doesnt turn around but does point to a stretcher not to far away.

"Please give me that bag!" He rushes out and i quickly grab said bag and hand it to his outstretched arm, "thanks!"

He then begins pulling out gauze and some kind of healing ointment. I now see that the man has a large burn on his right arm that the man temporarily patches up.

"Okay get him in the van!" He screams and a nurse begins helping him over ro a transport van. Then the doctor finally turns around towards me and jumps right out of his skin. Hes the angelic doctor from yesterday. His soft brown hair is a mess and his eyes are big caramel pots of worry. He gaps at me and looks around, "uh, um."

"Detective Collin Madden, you have the support of the whole precinct, please let anyone one us know if you need something," I say in a calm and robotic way. My normal way of talking. He sputters and nods exaggeratedly.

"I-i, thank you!" He says before bolting away to help someone else. I stare after him in confusion before turn back to the crowd.

I grab some yellow tape from a struggling officer thats trying to get a crying woman out of the area, "my husband! My husbands still in there! He was unconscious!"

I sigh. This is ridiculous. I need to find this bastard. I begin taping off behind the police officers making sure to leave enough room for all the crews to work. I glance up at the building with a disgusted look. This arsonist is definitely trying to prove something.

Pyromania is usually formed by personal experience so the man probably has had a traumatic experience with fire. He could be scarred or lost a family member. Hes obviously angry and is trying to get back at someone, but who? Who is he directing his anger at?

"Sir stop! You cant-!" I look over to see the angelic doctor trying to stop a man who limps towards the entrance of the burning building.

I rush over to him and put a hand out to stop him, "it's dangerous, please return to the doctor."

"My son's in there! He's still in there! I have to help him!" He screams into my face with panic sketched out.

"I'm sorry sir but you have to leave this up to the professionals. They can't focus on your son if they're worried about you," I respond and he grips his chest the doctor comes up beside the man.

"Sir you need to trust them, they will do everything to help!" The doctor says soothingly. The man glares at the ground but follows directions. Then the doctor looks at me again, "cam you tell one of the fire men that there's for sure a young boy in the building."

Then he leads the man back over. I turn to go to the fire truck and once again stop a fire fighter. This one not being one that ive met, "sir there's for sure a boy in there as well as a young man whos unconscious."

The man thankfully doesn't question me and reports my words through his radio before rushing away. I then make my way back to the edge of the crowd and watch the professionals diligently work. Hopefully this fire can be resolved quickly.

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