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(Kent Caddel's POV)

This man is absolutely adorable. Hes been frowning slightly since we met in the Captains office. He looks disgruntled and upset but if you actually watch his facial expressions you can see he reacts very clearly to every word you say. I didnt miss that slight blush he gained when I complimented either. I just decided not to be to mean.

I lead him into the Lobby amd flop down on one of the huge couches. The Lobby is what we call our recreational room. Its where most of us hang out while were on call.

I glance back to him still standing where I left him and gesture towards the couch, "come sit."

He looks down at me and then at the seat before walking over. He walks with his hands shoved deep in his trench coat pockets but stands straight and tall.

He sits down elegantly and sighs, "so what? A serial arsonist?"

I catch the small smile that appears and disappears quickly as he nods, "a pyromaniac who gets a kick out of starting fires."

"Is this the kind of thing you usually work with," I ask and he looks at me with furrowed brows and for some reason i just know he's confused even though he just looks upset, "like is this the kind of case you usually do?"

He shakes his head to answer no, "this is a unique case for sure. I work with organized crime, usually sex trades, drug dealers, and human trafficking."

My eyes go wide in amazement. That was incredible. He certainly doesnt look like he just too me he's practically a super hero and i can't help but smile, "thats amazing, I guess I should refer to you as Detective Madden then. I got a lot of respect for suits."

A small breathy laugh escapes him andi look at him to see him covering a smile, "says the man who saves lives everyday. Suits? Ey Chief, shall I also speak formal then?"

I grin at him as he chuckles again, "nah I'd much prefer hearing you say my name."

He looks at me with his smile falling away. He tilts his head at me and narrows his eyes, "Kent."

I had been joking when I had said that. I didn't think it actually mattered but when my name slips past his lips in his deep husky voice i realize that he couldn't call me by anything else. My body reacts in much the same way as when Ayden calls my name. That causes me to frown.

"Col-," I go to say his name back but am interrupted by loud boisterous men stampeding in.

"Timmy you can't scare us like that again man!" I hear Ryan say and look to see him patting Timmy on the back with a goofy grin. I smile and stand up. I walk closer and Timmy spots me. His grin gets wider.

"Your man patched me up, and scolded me like a worried parent. Im exhausted," he says flopping down on another couch. I look over to see Collin walking around the back of the previous couch and going over to the wall. Leaning against it with that same grumpy look.

"Hopefully that will teach you to be more careful," I scold and he groans loudly andi chuckle, "everyone meet Detective Collin Madden. We'll be teaming up with him to stop the man who set the last two fires."

All their eyes snap over to where i point and i see Collin shuffle anxiously before nodding at everyone, "pleasure to work with you."

"Detective?" Ryan asks.

"Wait, they were intentional?" Timmy asks.

"We got a Serial arsonist?" I hear Sam ask with wide eyes and everyone lets out choked laughter.

"Is that even a thing?" Ryan says in between laughs.

"Fuck thats great," Timmy says clutching his side in pain as he laughs, "yo Detective, is Serial Arsonist a thing?"

I look over to see Collin smiling very slightly before shrugging, "if it isnt, then it is now."

"Hey Detective, my names Sam. Do you have like a gun and badge?" Sam asks with big wide eyes and Collin raises a brow questioningly. He moves his coat out of the way. Revealing a gun, his badge and a radio on his belt. Sam whistles, "damn were gonna be so protected."

Collin actually laughs loudly as he looks at a startled Sam, "im sorry but i cant shoot fire into submission, I'm actually gonna be more of a mandatory nuisance."

"Sho-shoot the fire- the fire into su-submission!" Ryan laughs between words hardly being able to speak and i even laugh.

Collin smiles and shrugs again. Sam pouts and glares at Ryan and Timmy who laugh uncontrollably before turning back to Collin, "so will you be staying here Detective?"

Collin nods, "yes I will be at your disposal."

Sam gaps at the formal tone and stumbles into a proper position automatically. It seems like training has finally knocked some sense in the young man.

"Yes sir," Sam says nod politely before slumping next to Timmy who groans.

"My ribs dude," Timmy groans out. I go back to sit down and grin at Collin. I point at the couch. His frown deepens and he glares at me. I chuckle and fake an exaggerated pouty face. He rolls his eyes but walks over to the couch and sits down once again.

The door opens and everyone's attention goes to the entrance where a couple nurses and doctors walk in. One being Ayden causing me to smile widely. Ayden has a cute little frown as he looks around when he sees me his face goes to relief as he walks over.

"Hello baby," I say patting the seat in between Collin and I. He smiles at me before looking over at Collin. For a minute i can tell it doesnt register with him until his face goes bright red and he glares adorably at me.

Ayden has gotten used to me calling him pet names in front of my men and his crew, but he still gets so embarrassed in front of strangers. He sits in between us shyly and I chuckle. He is so freaking adorable.

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