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(Kent Caddel's POV)

Everyone slumps down in the Lobby with solemn expressions. Two dead and literally everyone else in the accident is in the ICU. This one was rough. No one ever liked it when death was involved. A few men stand back up and leave the Lobby probably to call home and check in. Knowing how dangerous just walking down the street is can be tough for those with families.

I look beside me at Collin who sits straight up stoically with his signature frown. He still wears the black overalls with neon yellow strips and looks absolutely adorable as it dwarfs him. I'm surprised he didn't have to roll up the ends. He been quiet for awhile and I'm not sure if its because of the horrific sight or if hes just deep in thought. I'm going with the second option though. I'm sure that can't be the worst thing hes seen even though it was bad.

"Hey Detective?" Everyone looks at Sam whos slumped next to Timmy with an uncharacteristic frown. Collin looks at him slowly.

"Yes?" He answers in a distant voice and sighs.

"Was this one the serial arsonist?" He asks with furrowed brows. I hadn't even thought about that. It doesn't match up but nonetheless I look at the professional on the matter for the answer.

"Nope, I cant be for sure until its checked out, but it was probably just a really tragic accident," he says running a hand over his face tiredly, "but I am worried."

"About what?" I question sitting up properly. He looks at me with stressed expression.

"The culprit could feel threatened by this accident. Think its pulling the spotlight off of him, have any of you seen what he painted on the side of the first building? It said Lucky #1, this is an attention game for him. I'm worried that if he thinks the attention is off him for to long that he could rush into #3, and I could possibly be the worst one so far. He may try to outstage this accident," he explains in a harsh voice. Anger lacing his words and everyone pays close attention to him, "I'm not an actual profiler so I can't prove my words but I think you should prepare for the worst."

Everyone stares at him before slumping back into their seats once again dramatically, "he's a fucked up bastard."

Collin chokes out a laugh nodding, "yea, I've met enough bastards to know this guy is definitely one."

"You're not a homicide detective? There hasnt been any death," I ask with a frown. I didnt know as much about the police as i probably should. He glances at me and shakes his head.

"No," he says quietly sighing, "I work with organized crime."

"So like this case?" Timmy asks looking up at the ceiling.

"No this is a very unique case. It could even be possibly taken from me if there's a death. I normally work with human trafficking, sex trades, drug smuggling, and gangs. That sort of thing, organized criminals," he responds with a deep frown. I look at him with surprised eyes. Yeah, he's definitely seen worse. You can just see into his eyes as he speaks about his job. Reminiscing about horrors I could never imagine.

"Wow, for all that you don't hear much about the detectives solving the cases," Sam says in a weirdly smart voice. He lays in the same position as Timmy slumped deep in the couch staring up at the ceiling.

"Its dangerous, were meant to stay back behind the scene until the actual arrest. If a gang for example knew I was after them they could send hit man after me," Collin responds and i frown. That sounded to dangerous of a job.

"Will they really pull you off these case?" I ask and he looks over at me with an annoyed expression but I could tell it wasn't directed towards me. I don't know how I knew that but for some reason he seemed incredible easy to read.

"Possibly, the higher don't like me, they call me the Psychic Detective," he answers and I furrow my brows in confusion, "I have a high success rate but my ways are unconventional. I can see, hear, and find out things that others can't pick up on. Which has dubbed me Psychic."

"That just sounds cool, why would they be upset if it works?" Timmy mutters and Collin snorts softly.

"Because its different," he says and no one else speaks for a while.

That seemed ridiculous. Why was it that public workers were always against each other? We all were after the same thing. To help people. I don't understand shit like that.

The Lobby entrance opens and I see a few people in white coats walk in slowly. I sit up immediately looking for Ayden. When he steps through the door my shoulders grow slack from their tense position. He shuffles over and falls beside me on the couch. Collin scoots over when Ayden brushes against his side and I look at him weirdly. This may just be my paranoia talking but was he homophobic?

He doesn't look disgusted by the fact that Ayden touched. I decide to test it and peer at him as I give Ayden a quick peck. He just looks away and I narrow my eyes at him.

"That one fucking sucked," Ayden grumbles and just like that everyone busts out laughing. Hearing Ayden curse is rare and regarded as an extremely funny joke to all the men in the station. He was like a pure angel to everyone so when he proves he isn't its just funny to my men.

He pouts at their reaction and I watch as he peers over at Collin trying to be subtle. I smirk at his cuteness and just watch him as he frowns. He pokes Collin in the arm and he looks down at Ayden with that same frown. Ayden shuffles under the intense stare. He hates confrontation. He hasn't quite gotten used to the fact that Collin is just always frowning. However i watch in amazement as he softens his expression.

"You just look distressed, are you okay?" Ayden asks sweetly and i smile. I loved how caring he is.

Collins lip twitches briefly into a smile before nodding, "yes and are you?"

Ayden blushes religiously and I chuckle. He glances at me with a look of betrayal before nodding his head.

"You guys make a cute couple," I look at Collin to see him holding a blank expression making it impossible for me to gauge his emotions on his words. Ayden slaps his hands over his face and tries to hide adorably. Collin chuckles and shakes his head, "you make it so easy for people to tease you Doctor."

I laugh and nod exaggeratedly, "doesnt he."

Ayden peeks up at me with a frown before turning his cute angry expression to Collin, "just know I'll remember this."

Collins eyes shoot up with surprise before he full out begins belly laughing. He wraps a hand around his stomach and deep melodious laughter escapes him. He covers his mouth his other hand trying to cover his grin, "I'm sorry, im sorry. I just got the vision of a kitten swatting at my leg when you said that. It was probably the cutest shit I've seen in a long time. Thanks for the laugh Doctor."

I laugh at the image and realize its pretty accurate. However he looks at Collin indignantly, "a kitten? A kitten? Not even an adult cat? But a kitten? I should at least be classified as an adult."

Collin smiles down at him and shrugs, "adult cats arent cute. Their vicious little monsters."

He literally shivers and I smile. He's cute as well. I wonder if he knows that? Something tells me he doesn't though. Ayden pouts and crosses his arms over his chest, "this feels like bullying."

"Then I'm sorry," Collin responds looking down with a serious expression. Ayden gaps his mouth open at him.

"I-i didn't mean that seriously," he mutters as Collin tilts his head. I chuckle.

"I knew you liked being teased,"I whisper so just he and Collin can hear. He glares at me with all the ferocity of an angry kitten and I pat his head with a laugh.

"You do realize I'm the one who gives you sex right?" He whispers back and Collin chokes out. I look up to see him covering an amused expression. He catches my gaze before coughing again.

"Babe I'm just messing," I say in a pretend distressed state. He rolls his eyes and glances over at Collin and blushes as he realizes that he definitely heard.

"The kitten is threatening to put the pit bull in the dog house," Collin mutter while trying not to laugh and i grin at him. I know knew for sure that Collin is not homophobic. But why did he look so uncomfortable with looking at either of us for to long? I furrow my brows at him. What is it about him that makes me so curious?

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