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(Ayden Mintz's POV)

Absolute disaster. That's what this was. Men, woman and children pass through my care onto ambulances to be taken for immediate care. This one was scarily a lot more quiet than normal. It was as if everyone was lost. I could only do what i can now. Helping people. Fixing them.

Another man is carried out and I rush towards with a stretcher. The man whos name i know is Timmy sets the unconscious man on the portable bed hurriedly and nods at me befpre rushing away. I yank the protective bag off the mans head and grit my teeth.

"He needs air! Transport immediately!" I shout out as I see hes hardly breathing. Nurses comes to take him away and I let out a harsh breath. Two similar fires in a row. Not to mention so close to each other.

Plus the addition of a Detective. I look over at the tall handsome man who is currently trying to call down a crying woman. All these proves that something is definitely not right. Why would he be on the scene of a normal fire? Again? I hadnt known he was a police personal until a hour ago when he approached me. This just seemed so strange.

I ignore it though as another person is transferred to my care. The young woman is on the verge of passing out. I help her over to an ambulance and check her pulse. Its beating wildly.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" I ask hurriedly and she shakes her head slowly.

She pats her chest, "i- I can't breath. I-it burns."

I nod and call over to a nurse, "hook her up to a tank, ash probably got in her lungs. She's needs to be checked out as soon as possible."

I smile down at the woman as shes laid down on a gurney and hooked up to a oxygen tank. My breaths were beginning to become laboured. However it was from anxiety. There hasnt been any deaths so far but theres still a whole team in the building. Kent is still in the building.

I breath in a shuddered breath trying to calm down as i check over another person. Hes okay. There's no way that Kent isnt okay.

I just continue to do my job and help as many people as i can. My team runs everywhere following directions and trying to help as best as we can. The real heros of every fire are the ones you can't see. The ones who are knee deep in flames. I shake my head and bring my stethoscope to an unconscious boys chest.

Suddenly loud shouts are heard and two fire men carry out a third and my heart stops as they rush over to me. I hurry to meet them not being able to breath. The two firemen set down the third and I pull off the equipment. Its not Kent but that doesnt help my anxiousness because this is Timmy. The man who i had just seen and one of Lents closest friends. Plus Kent is still in there.

"Banister crumbled! Fell down two flights!" One of the two men say with a similar expression to mine. I nod and begin looking him over.

"I got him, he wont die!" I shout and push Timmy over to an ambulance. I check him over hurriedly. He doesnt seem to be in immediate danger of dying so i personally load him onto a an ambulance and stop Sharon, "make sure hes okay!"

She nods and climb in the back to check his vitals on the way to the hospital. I breath deeply and look back at the building in fear.

For 30 minutes no one else comes out. All patients manage to get to the hospital and everyone just kind of waits. It's like anxiety goes through everyone at waves. Until finally fire men trail out staggering slightly with fists up cheering. My whole being goes slack in undeniable relief as I quickly spot Kent shoving off his mask and helmet with a huge grin, "we won men!"

I grab at my chest and close my eyes tightly thanking the universe for his safety. I open my eyes and meet his immediately. He smiles softly at me and shakes his head. A thing he doesn't often when hes amazed. My heart pounds and i cant stop the blush that travels through me. This man undoubtedly holds my heart in his big hand.

His eyes go back to his men where he start prdering the final look over as he walks towards me a determined expression. He grins down at me and like everytime he asks, "are you okay?"

"Are you?" I ask in turn and he places a kiss to my forehead. He looks around with a big smile before his eyes shoot up in surprise as he looks at the crowd. I glance over to see him staring at the handsome detective.

"He's here again?" He asks in a confused voice and I shake my head. He looks down at me with furrowed brows.

"Hes a Detective," I answer and his eyebrows shoot up once again. I nod at him and he smiles down at me.

"You sound impressed," he says teasingly and I blush and put my head down hurriedly.

"Not as impressed as i am with you," I whisper in embarrassment. He laughs out loud.

"You're so adorable angel," he says with a smile.

I frown at him, "Timmy's at the hospital."

He smile drops and he nods his head, "yea I heard. You'll fix up up though."

His tone holds absolute trust and sincerity. I blush at him and nod, "then i should get back."

"Good luck darling," he whispers in my ear and hugs me tight. He salutes at me and backs away, "be safe, I love you!"

"I love you too," I say and give him a serious look, "be safe."

He grins at me and rushes back to his squad. This is always how we ended our conversations. I turn away as well ready to spend my day hunched over hospital beds. I couldnt stop the thpught that something is wrong. Really wrong.

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