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I watch as the angelic doctor, who i now know is called Ayden, sits next to me. He wears a bright blush and now I understand Kents words about him. It also made sense why he was so familiar. They must be dating. They make quite a couple. Both extremely good looking and they fit together nicely.

"Uh- its nice to meet you," I look over at Ayden then down to his outstretched hand. I grab it firmly and he gasps. My eyes snap to his and I relax my grip co considerably. He blushes and looks down.

"As I to you Doctor," I state before releasing his hand. He looks up at me and smiles. I can't help but smile back at his sweet expression before looking away. Its rude to look at someone significant other for so long right in front of them.

"Im- my name is Ayden Mintz, I head the EMT department," he says and I glance at him with a nod.

"Collin Madden," I respond and he once again smiles up at me through his lashes. He really looked angelic. His big doe like brown eyes were incredibly soft and warm. His curly brunette hair framing his face gently.

"Um thank you for your help today and yesterday," he says and I look down at him with a deep frown. He flinches at my gaze and I immediately soften my expression.

"I'm not sure why everyone is thanking me, you guys are the ones who should be receiving thanks," I say in as soft a tone as I can muster and he tilts his head at me.

"But you helped when you didn't need to," he insisted and I shrug my shoulders giving up. His face beams happily and I know it was worth it seeing that happy expression.

"So Detective how are you planning on catching the crazy bastard?" I look over at Sam and sigh.

"I need to get into those buildings, I need to see rhe origin of the fires, I need to know how the started. Get samples to a lab," I list off my first few objectives and he nods.

"It was gasoline, in the second building the fire was started by gasoline," he says and i frown. Gasoline? Then he must have gotten it into the building somehow. That container could still be in there.

My radio goes off loudly snapping me out of my thoughts, "we got a 11-71 on 1st st, requesting immediate back up."

I grab the radio immediately, "repeat."

"11-71, back up requested," the police officer reports back and i grip the radio.

"There's a fire? Why hasnt the fire department been contacted?" I radio back but just as I finish speaking the sirens go off around the station. Everyone jumps into action. Kent grabs my arm and pulls me with him.

We go to the side to somewhat of a huge changing room. He digs in a closet and throws a uniform at me. I gap at it and begin pulling the overalls over my pants. Then I put the huge jacket on quickly. He then hands me a helmet after putting his own jacket on.

"You arent trained yet, so you cant technically go in but just incase," he shouts out over the sirens. I nod and he grabs his respirator and the rest of his equipment that I'm not to sure what it even is.

"11-71! The situation is getting worst, requesting immediate back up!" The police officer sounds frantic, "shit, 10-80! I repeat 10-80."

I suck in a harsh breath and Sam looks at me in panic as he puts on his equipment, "10-80? Whats that?"

"Explosion, there was an explosion," I report loudly and everyone speeds up a bit. I can hear the ambulances already leaving to get o the scene.

I'm suddenly pished from behind and look back to see Kent pushing me through another door. Which is the trucks garage. He pushes me up into one and i watch as dozens of fire fighters come from different doors around the room and pile into trucks.

When our truck is full its immediately goes on it way. I watch as everyone gets their equipment ready and sigh. I shove my hands down the large overalls amd undo my attachment that holds my gun and badge. Then I clip them to the waist band of the overalls. I shove my badge in the jacket pocket.

Was this fire done by the same guy? I still havent had the chance to check out the other buildings. Not to mention this would be the second time today. I shover my hair out of my face and pull it in a low short ponytail to keep it out of my face.

The truck feels like it flying through the streets. The sirens blare loudly as we rush to get to 1st St. It doesn't really take that long. In about 6 minutes we reach the chaotic scene. Which I quickly recognize as a car accident. Four cars were practically piled up with fire covering every inch of the scene. One was blown to bits and it looked like another explosion could happen at any minute.

Everyone piles out and begins getting to work. I stay out of the way and take in the smell of burnt flesh and gasoline. I look around to see if theres anything I can do to help as fire men rush to hook up hoses. I see a woman off to the right of the fire struggling to crawl away. I don't even think as i rush to the edge of the fire and pick her up quickly. I rush away as she cries out in pain. I flinch as i realize i must have jostled her to much. However I don't have much time to think about it. This place wasn't safe. So I rush towards where the ambulances were set up. Doctors watching in anxiousness. Ayden greets me with a gurney and I set her down as gently as i can. He immediately gets to work and I step away to give them room to work.

This was just a normal accident. My gut was telling me this wasn't our guy. It was just an accident. An accident that probably is even worse than those building fires.

This fire is a lot quicker of a job though. Its distinguished completely in 20 minutes and I see notice that over half the fire trucks retreat to set up for another possible fire. The last two trucks however now shift their focus on rescue since the fire is gone.

I watch as they begin trying to dig through the wreckage and see if there's any survivors. I watch Kent as he barks out orders and begins rummaging through scraps of metal. I get close enough so that I can be heard, "am I allowed to help?"

Kent glances at me briefly pausing his search before looking over the scene. Then he shrugs, "you've probably been through worse during war, so yeah, just be careful."

I immediately join him in digging through the wreckage. I wish this was the worst thing I've ever seen. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily numb to the empathy but I'm pretty damn tolerant. It does help though in situations when I need to be calm and collected. Times like now when I'm not freaking out. So that i can actually help people.

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