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(Kent Caddel's POV)

The absolute chaos finally begins calming down as the fire is finally extinguished. I can't help but trail my eyes over the scene taking in the clean up. My men put the hoses away and a few of my men go back in to double check it was truly out.

Fire is tricky. It can hide until you leave before it comes out rearing its ugly head. I pull my helmet off just as I spot the attractive black haired man who swooped in, unknowingly saved the whole operation and who is now leaving the scene with his head down.

I cant help the look of annoyance that crosses my face. I despised good Samaritans. I always got fooled into believing they are real before they turn around and soak in the attention.

Not that this particular man didnt deserve it. The 9th floor had been a death trap. Every inch was falling apart. Knowing that the little girl was in a room probably saved mine and my mens lives. That room had been our safe room for a bit up there in that raging inferno. If we hadnt known about it then all those people probably would have died.

"Kent," I turn around at the soft spoken voice and immediately grin as i see Ayden. I step closer and grab his arm. His curly dark brown hair falls in an adorable way making him look delicate and angelic.

"Are you okay Angel?" I ask knowing exactly what hes going to say in response. He only ever cared about others.

"Are you? Was it a bad one?" He asks in his sweet voice. I definitely called it.

"It was okay darling, that man really saved this one though," I mutter steeping closer. He blushes slightly endearingly before tilting his head in confusion.

"What man?" He asks in a cute pouty way. I smirk and wrap an arm around his shoulder.

"The man who waited for the girl," I hint teasingly. He blushes crazily again and i chuckle he puts his head down in shame. I shake my head at his cuteness.

"I'm sorry Kent, i- well I thought he was -," he stammers and i smile at him with a slight squeeze to his shoukder, "s-se-."

He covers his face with his hands and I can't help the bubble of laugh that escapes me, "sexy?"

"Im- im sorry!" He squeals and I decide it's enough teasing for today. It was funny how shameful he got just for thinking someone was attractive. He didnt even do anything and he gets like this.

"Its okay baby, he was incredibly sexy, how many times have i told you its okay for you to have thoughts like that. Its only natural, i had the same thought," I reassure and he looks up at me through his thick lashes and I smile down at him. He nods slowly.

"But- but still," I peck him on the lips and grin at his flustered face.

"Duty calls angel," I cut his blubbering off and pull him into a tight hug giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead, "be safe, I love you."

"I-i love you too," he grumbles adorably and looks me straight in the eyes, "be safe."

I grin at him and salute before turning around with a wave. I walk over to the truck after i see him wave back. I look back to see him speed walking back over to one of the final ambulances for his hospital. I smile before glancing up at the apartment building. The stone is blackened and soaked in water. Windows are broken and cracked.

"You did good Chief," I glance back to look at Richard. A huge hardboiled older man who has saved more lives in his life than anyone I know. The man os a legend in the force. A veteran with a taste for helping others.

I grin at him, "it just sounds sarcastic when it comes from you."

He lets out a chuckle and shakes his head, "y'all give me way to much credit, I happen to know you ran through fire because flames were beginning to surround two huddled woman."

I shrug at that. It wasn't something that a single one of my men wouldnt do. This was what we did. We helped others. It wasn't a job for us, its a duty to protect. Richard snorts and pats me on the shoulder.

"Lets go Chief," he says as he climbs up into the big red truck. I also climb in the front just as my squad does. I look back at the blackened uniforms and the huge smiles on their faces as they joke about.

"Congratulations men! On a damn good job! Well done," I shout on and they all call out praises and jokes. I grin at the them and nod to Richard who begins driving back to the station.

I cant help but to think about that mysterious saviour again. I cant help it, I'm a sucker for good people. That is another reason why i hate them. The man was just as Ayden said: incredibly sexy.

With straight black shoulder length hair that was pushed back messily. His eyes were a stormy grayish blue and help a distraught look as he had yelled to get my attention. He had seriously been hurting for that child. Maybe thats what really made him so attractive in Ayden and my mind. Not his actual handsome features but the true desire to help a person other than himself.

It was why I was first so attracted to Ayden. I had met him on the scene of a brutal accident. Car accident in the tunnel. It was horrific. Cars were all wrecked and the fire was spreading faster than normal because of the gas. People were stuck in vehicles and when the first explosion happened it was like the world had stopped.

We managed to get a pregnant woman released from her car but she went into a stressed labour. Ayden had rushed onto the edge of the scene and had birthed a child right on the spot because the lady was so hysterical. It was just one pf his charming points. He cares more about everyone else than he does himself.

I shake my head and let out a deep breath. I am weak to those kinds of people and he will probably haunt my thoughts for awhile unless I can thank him. I have no way of finding the random man though so it looks like he will be plaguing my mind for at least a little while. Dammit I hate good Samaritans.

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