Chapter 7

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Me and Katie get to English 5 minutes early which is good. English is really fun. I like it.

Ms. Winter comes in and says hello. We get our work out ready for the lesson. I'm actually excited for this lesson because we start to kill a mockingbird. I hear it's an okay book.

The entire period we talk about the book and what we have heard about it. Once the period is over me and Katie start walking to math. On our way there Logan comes and hugs me. Katie just looks at me and Logan and has that look. That look that we need to talk.

"Babe..." I say

"Ya. What's up?" Logan says

"Ummm.... Is there something you need to tell me? that happened this weekend?" I ask him.

"No. I already told you what I did this weekend." He answers.

I can tell he's lying but I don't want to cause a scene right now.

"Fine... Well just talk at lunch then." I huff

Math went by in a flash. We just learned about algebra.

LUNCH TIME!!!! I love lunch time. It's my favourite time of the day. Logan comes and sits down 5 minutes later. Once I finish eating I tell Logan we need to talk right now.

"Logan. We need to talk." I tell him.


"You need to tell me the truth about what you did this weekend cause earlier when I asked you again I could hear in your voice that you were lying to me." I tell him.

"I already did tell you." he lies to me again.

"LOGAN! I know your lying to me. So just stop please. Just tell me the truth. Please. That's all I'm asking you." I beg him to tell me.

"Fine. You want to know the truth? Really? Okay. I cheated on you. With Catharine." He tells me.

"Wh-what? YOU DID WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!!!! I can't believe you. 4 years Logan. 4 fucking years we were together and you go and do this. How many times has this happened?" I ask him with tears running down my face.

"It's been going on for a while now. 2 months." he answers me.

"OMG. I can't believe you. I hate you Logan. Never talk to me again. Ever!" I yell at him.

After that fiasco I ran to the bathroom to clean up a little. Katie comes running in right after and just hugs me and comforts me while I cry some more. I can't believe my boy- well now ex-boyfriend- did that to me.

I get myself cleaned up and go to my locker with Katie to get my stuff for science. Then me and Katie go to her locker. When I get to science I see Logan sitting there. Hurt. Why is he hurt? He's not the one that got cheated on. I did. I should be the one who is sitting there hurt. Not him.

* Logan's P.O.V *

I'm such an idiot. I don't know why I decided to cheat on Meagan. Meagan was the best thing in my life. I love her. We'll more like loved because she's never going to take me back after what I did to her. Heck she can't even look at me now. All I see when I look at her is how broken I've made her. There's no fixing that now. She hates me. I can see it. I feel so bad.


*ring* *ring* *ring*
I look to see who messaged me and it's Lou. She asked me of I want to babysit with the boys tomorrow night. I answer back right away.

Lou- L Meagan- M

L- hey meg, wanna babysit tomorrow night for me? The boys will be at the house too.. ;)

M- haha ya I would love to babysit. Yess! I can get to know the boys better. Haha.

L- haha. Ya sure you can.

M- what time should I be there?

L- 6:30?

M- sure. I might just show up at 6... Haha lol.

L- ok. If you say so.... Lol. See you tomorrow.

M- haha. Yup. See you tomorrow. Bye

L- bye.

Ahhh. OMG I get to babysit with the boys tomorrow.

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