Chapter 27

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I still can't get over the dream - no nightmare- I had. It was terrible. Ive tried soooo hard not to think about it, but its almost like it actually happened. Like you know those dreams you have and you just feel like its something that actually happened, but when you wake up you're just like nahhh that wasnt real? Ya that was the nightmare I had last night, but worse than normal.

I hate sleeping. Its terrible how much I hate sleeping now. the only time I feel safe while sleeping is when Niall is with me. he makes me feel safe while sleeping, which is what I need. I need sleep. I'm always tired and there's nothing I can do about it. I want to ask the hospital for like sleeping pills, but I feel like that wont help me cause of how I feel. Niall and louis are always around me making sure I'm ok and don't need anything. even though I'm fine, and don't need to be checked up on every 5 seconds. it gets annoying after a while. it was great at the start, but now they need to tone it down.

I just want everything to be over. but I feel like it isn't going to be over anytime soon. I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me feel like something bad is going to happen again, but I cant tell what it is. all I know is that something is going to happen. it might just be to me, it could be to all of us. I will never know until the day comes.

I'm so tired, but I don't want to go to sleep. I'm scared another nightmare is going to happen. god, that nightmare I had was bad enough, I don't want to go through another one. I wont be able to handle it.

I still have like 5 months until I get everything taken care of with my injuries. I wanna talk about my nightmare, but it scares me too much.

UGHHHHH!!! I'm so tired. its bad how tired I am. I'm literally sleep deprived. but I don't know what to do other than not go to sleep. I cant sleep.

" Niall?" I called.

" ya babe, what is it?"

" I cant sleep." I mumbled.

he chuckled and climbed into the bad with me, and was careful, but brought me closer to him. I cuddled into him as he softly hummed a song in my ears and soon started singing moments to me. I slowly fell asleep. it was a good sleep. no nightmares. Niall is the only way I can sleep at night. I don't know why, but he calms me down and is able to help me sleep.

I woke up in the morning still wrapped in Niall's arms. I looked over at the clock and noticed that its 10:00am. wow. we slept in. I then remembered what day it was. OMG the boys start their tour tonight. I quickly shook Niall.

" Niall, Niall, Niall. WAKE UP!!"

UGHHH of course that didn't work.

" Niall, if you don't wake up, there wont be any food for you."

he didn't move. that is the weirdest thing ever. normally he would jump up all panicked. I nudged him and he groaned.

" Niall, babe, wake up please."

still nothing. I have an idea. I kicked him with my boot. boy did that make him wake up.

" OWWWWW! Meg, what was that for?! that fucking hurt. god."

I just giggled. I didn't even kick him that hard.

" well you weren't waking up, not even when I told you that there wont be any food for you. so I kicked you. but I didn't even kick you that hard."

" well I was waiting for my morning kiss from a certain someone..."

" ohhh ya, and who, may I ask, is this special someone?"

" Zayn."

I gasped. he did not just say that.

" what? Niall I'm hurt." I faked cried.

" awww babe I was only joking. I was talking about you."

" Niall, I don't like you anymore. were over." I said with such serious face, while trying to not laugh. I don't even know how I was doing that. I would normally be laughing my ass off right now. I was about to burst out laughing seeing his reaction. he looked so hurt, confused and lost.

" wait, what? no, this cant be happening. oh my god. Meg what did I do to make you break up with me. oh my god. I cant believe this is happening. I don't even know-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. I instantly felt him relax under the kiss. after we broke apart, he just looked at me with very confused eyes.

" what was that for? I thought you said we were over." he said all flustered.

" I was only joking babe. I could never break up with you. I love you to much."

" oh. ok. and really? you love me to much to break up with me?" I could see his eyes lighting up as he asked me.

" yes silly. I do."

" well I love you too."

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