Stay in the room/Page 7

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"No, no I have work I need to do", you think. You decide that your stomach can wait, although this was supposed to be a vacation, work never seems to stop, you end up spending all day working on what was supposed to be a day of relaxation and spending time with your family. The light of day starts to dissipate as the afternoon starts to show, you yawn after having worked all day. At that moment you hear a knock at your door, you move your laptop to the side and open the door.

"Dinner's ready!" Maria exclaims.

"Oh, you didn't have t-" you start to explain, but are quickly interrupted by Maria.

 "No, I wanted to make you something, come on, you've been cooped up here all day"

Your stomach audibly rumbles just from the thought of food, Maria giggles at this, "I think your belly agrees"

Go with her. Page 31

Don't go with her. Page 29

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