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Lina's POV

It was the weekend, and me and Hyejin decided to go out. I rammed through my closet, finding at least decent clothes so I can go out looking fresh with bestie. We were going to eat sushi. 

I found a plaid sweater, with denim shorts. I grabbed a tanktop and slipped it on, and then wore my shorts, then wore my plaid sweater. I looked at my messed up hair. I grabbed the brush, and brushed my hair lightly. Then I grabbed a elastic and tie a messed up bun on top of my head. I didn't want look TOO fancy. 

 Of course, I brushed my teeth, I really have bad morning breath. 

After I have that fresh minty breath, I started to slip on my red high top converses.

I walked out the door, without my mom knowing, but thank god I brang my phone just in case she calls me screaming. 

"Unnie," someone said. I turned around. No one was there.

Huh? What the heck? I am so confused??

"UNNIE! RIGHT HERE!" someone shouted.

I turned around. There was a little girl with pigtails, pale face, huge eyes, and a lollipop in her hand. 

"Hello?" I said. I didn't know who she was. Then I saw a man talking to my mother at the house's front porch. 

They were talking casually, and the man was a tall slender man, with a nice haircut. 

"APPA!!" the little girl screamed.

She ran to my front porch.

"UH?" I stared at my mom with wide eyes.

I ran to the front porch. "You're up?" I told my mother. She nodded.

"Honey, meet Mr. Yoo Jinho," my mother introduced me to the strange man.

He nodded. "Annyeong sonyeo."

I smirked. "Annyeong.."

My mother smiled. "This is his daughter, Yoo Junghee."

I looked at the tiny little girl, with adorable eyes and a nice smile.

'Eh.. annyeong.." I said.

She nodded, stuffing my face with the lollipop, but I shook my head.

"Unnie!!" she jumped up and down.

"EH?" I said.

I was confused, why does she keep calling me unnie?

My phone rang. 

It was Hyejin. I answered it. "HURRY UP!! I'm at the Sushi Place already, come on," screamed Hyejin in the phone.

"Ah, I'm coming!!" I said.

She ended the call.

"Ah, Umma, I gotta go.. to the sushi place.." I said.

"I LOVE SUSHI!" said Junghee.

"Take her with you!" said Umma.

I just met her. Why should I?

"Yes, she didn't eat any breakfast today, besides the lollipop, because she was so excited to see you, why don't you take her with you?" her appa said.

I nodded.

She smiled. 

Third Person

Hyejin tapped her foot. She didn't want to rush Lina, but there was a reason why. Jimin was across the street giving her pervy looks. He was next to Hana. Which pissed Hyejin off even more. Hyejin always thought Jimin was going to stop going out with her, but she guess not.

Hyejin's is having mixed feelings for Jimin.

"How dare him.." Hyejin whispered to herself while she glared at Hana, wearing a bikini. 

Long, luscious brown hair girl. Bitchy, annoying, and very slutty. Hana. Very slender and beautiful.

Hyejin doesn't understand. Why would a boy would like such a small, delicate, skinny little girl? Hyejin is only 5'2.  Compared to all the other girls in her school, she is very short and small.

"Annyeong!! I'm here!!" said Lina. 

Hyejin turned around. "Finally!"

Then Hyejin looks at the little girl. Sucking a lollipop.

"AWWW! SO CUTE!!" Hyejin beams.

Junghee beamed at Hyejin. "HI UNNIE!!" 

Hyejin smiled and turned pink. "SO CUTE!!!"

Lina groaned. "Let's just go."

Hyejin pointed across the street. Lina turned around. It was Hana. 

"What the fu-" Lina stopped. There was a child next to her.

"FUDGE?" Junghee said.

Hyejin laughed.

"Anyways, this is Junghee," said Lina.

"Ah, Junghee, I am Hyejin, nice to meet you!!" Hyejin said.

Junghee smiles.

"OH FUCK THAT BITCH!" Hana yelled across the street. Hyejin covered Junghee's ears so she can't hear.



"COME AND FIGHT ME!!" Lina said.

Hana went across the street but Jimin held her back.

"No, stop," Jimin said.

Hana smirked at him. "You don't understand."

"You DON'T understand," Jimin said. "If I say stay, stay."

Hana growled at Jimin.

"Let's just eat," Lina said.

Hyejin nodded. "I agree."

Junghee beamed. "SUSHI!!!"

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