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The end is coming  closer and closer ~

*EDIT* I'm very sorry for not upating, AGAIN IN like 1 and 1/2 months. It is my fault and I'm just really tired from school and everything. Please know that my readers are the ones that makes me keep on writing. THANK YOU SO MUCH. xx


I threw up in the bathroom. My temperature felt high. I don't feel so well... Does this happen all the time when women have their pregnancy?

I'm 6 months pregnant. 

And I haven't told my mother yet. Because. I'm afraid.

How am I supposed to tell her?

I haven't seen her since the last time she was in Korea. That was a year ago. I don't want to tell her through the phone. That doesn't seem right. 

Next time when she comes to Korea and sees a baby in my hands, she's gonna be screaming at me telling me why I didn't tell her and that I'm a disgraceful daughter.

I'm not traveling while being pregnant.

I sighed. Should I even tell her?

"Babe." I heard Jungkook said through the door. "Are you okay?"

I sat there quiet.

He opens the doorknob and looks at me. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head in confusion. "Sorry for what?"

"For making you go through this. It must be painful for women to go through pregnancy."

I nodded my head. "Yes I know, but Jungkook, that's our job as women."

"No LINA. I don't want you to go through this so painfully. I want to be a father, but not when you are struggling."

"Jungkook it's no biggie. Don't worry about me. It's only been 6 months. Don't regret it now."

He nodded. "But know that I'll always be there for you."

He closed the door.

There I vomited again. 


I was on the couch watching TV when Hyejin called me. 


"LINA! Come over. You seem lonely since you're pregnant and pretty much can't do anything. Jimin is at work, so why won't you come over and we can have our girl talks just like when we were in high school?" 

"Oh.. no.."

"Come on Lina! You're pregnant and can't do much. At least we can talk right?" 

"I'll ask Jungkook if he can drive me."

"Alright. So you're coming?"

"I guess."

"Okay great! See ya then."

Phone call ended

"JUNGKOOK!" I shouted.

I heard Jungkook shuffling coming down the stairs.

"Yes, my princess?"

"Take me to Hyejin's place, then pick me up later?"

"You sure?" Jungkook said.

"Yes!" I said.

"Okay. Hop in the car," Jungkook said.

I went out the door and breathed in the fresh air. What a nice day.

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