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Lina's POV

I slipped on my black and white keds. They make my feet look small for some reason.

I wore my "Math Award T-Shirt" with shorts. I really don't care how I look like, but seriously, I need to get out of this house.

"Lina, where are you going?" Umma asked.

I ignored her. I was too busy tying my shoelaces.

"Lina, these past few days have been very strange, this whole spring break you've done nothing but go out, you need to study. Don't you have a math test after spring break is over?" Umma said.

"I'll be back soon, it won't take the whole day," I said.

"Where is unnie going?" I hear Junghee said, as I heard her walk up to me.

"I don't know?" Umma said.

"Umma!!" Junghee jumped on my mom. I literally didn't know what to say.

"Bye, I'll be back at 4," I said.

I turned around and slammed the door.

Third Person

Lina walked to Jungkook's house. Since it was spring break, and her and Hyejin aren't friends anymore, she has been going to Jungkook's house for spring break.

Lina reached to Jungkook's house, and got in the secret way. She went through the patio, and opened the window. And jumped in. The window was pretty big. Basically not a secret way, since a robber can get in easily, but Lina was one of the first people to notice that way to get in.

Jungkook always knows that Lina would come randomly, but not at this time.

Lina spotted Jungkook, talking to someone. Lina went up the stairs and looked down. It was Hyejin. Hyejin looked tougher, without the pink, bright, cute clothes anymore. She's wearing skinny jeans and a plaid sweater. With a bandana in her hair.

"Ah, Jungkook, maybe you should come to dinner with me and Minho-ah?" Hyejin asks him.

Jungkook nodded, while Lina stared at her with numerous glares. She wanted to spit a load of saliva at her but she couldn't.

"Ah, here is your 30k of won," as Hyejin handed it to him.

Jungkook nodded. Hyejin gives him a kiss on the cheek. Lina growled. 

"What was that?" Hyejin asked. "I heard something."

"Uh.. it might be the neighbor's dog.." Jungkook said.

Hyejin shrugged. "Whatever."

"Anyways, will you do this next job? I'll give you another 30k of won," Hyejin asks with a cute voice.

"Eh.. ok..." Jungkook said.

"Okay, tell everyone that Lina is a slut and last night she raped you," Hyejin said.

Jungkook frowned. "Why are you telling me to do all these rude things?"

Hyejin laughed. "She's a hoe, you know? If you say it, everyone will believe you."

Lina glared at Hyejin. They were friends ever since. How dare Hyejin betray her like that.

"I don't think I want to do these anymore.." Jungkook said.

"Aw, come on, big boy, I'll give you a treatment right now," Hyejin said.

Hyejin's lips brushed Jungkook's lips, as she played with his hair. 

"What. The. FUCK," Lina said out loud.

"WHO'S THERE!" Hyejin said.

Hyejin ran out the door.

Jungkook ran up the stairs, and holded Lina's waist. "SHH!!! I knew you were here already, but SHHHH!!"


Jungkook smirked. "Well you didn't want to do it."

"Jungkook, I am only 16!!! I don't want to lose my precious v-card at the age of 16!!! And you are 17!!!" Lina said.

"This isn't ALL about my virginity, I wanted 30k of won also.." Jungkook said.

"You will basically ruin my reputation at school, you already made me sound like a whore at school already, JUNGKOOK," Lina said.

"Fine, I won't do it, but only if you give me a kiss," Jungkook said.

"UGH, this idiot," Lina said.

Lina kissed him on the cheek.

"Really? Really? Wow that totally satisifies me," Jungkook says.

Lina cups Jungkook's face, and kisses him.

"Lets go to my room," Jungkook says during the kiss.

Lina nods and walks into his room.

They played video games and talked about the stuff they did at class last week.

They played on their mobile devices for a few minutes, until Lina started to roll over to Jungkook to see what he was doing. He was watching vines, and going through his facebook profile.

Lina wanted to be a tease when she snuggled Jungkook's cheek, and kissed him. He blushed.

"Oh my Kookie is BLUSHING!" Lina screamed.

Lina bites his lip, just to tease him.

Jungkook looked at her, and then went back to his phone.

"Seriously dude?? Let's play!! Come on and give me the stupid iPhone!!" Lina said as she tries to snatch the iPhone from his hand.

"No, this is the iPhone 6, my mother bought it for me, and I need to take good care of it! I adore it so please get your hands off my phone," Jungkook said.

"Aw, come on, Kookie stop it," Lina said.

"Ugh, fine, alright," Jungkook got up, and gently put his iPhone 6 onto the nightstand. "It must be safe."

"Really? Wow, you're stupid, haha," Lina said.

Jungkook sat on the bed, while Lina sat on his lap.

Lina kissed Jungkook harshly. They started to make out.

Jungkook smiled during the kiss. Jungkook's tongue swished around Lina's mouth.

They made out for a few minutes, until they were out of breath.

"Oh my, well, I never actually made out with  someone that long!" Lina said.

"Haha, same, maybe, I kissed many girls, before you of course," Jungkook said.

"Babo, playboy," Lina said.

"Wow, you only want me for yourself huh?" Jungkook said.

"Whatever," Lina said.

"I asked you out many times, are you going to say yes this time if I ask you again?" Jungkook said.

"Maybe.. I don't know.. if I can handle a relationship right now.." Lina said.

"Come on, we kissed many times, it's kinda getting to friends with benefits, I don't like that," Jungkook said.

"I'll think about it, maybe you can remind me again next time we hang out, I can't think of a decision now," Lina said.

"Fine, fine," Jungkook said

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