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I slipped onto my heels.

"Jungkook, are you done?" I said.

"Yes, just combing up my hair," Jungkook said.

I smile. "Okay."

I went onto my phone, checking through my facebook and instagram.

Then I heard Jungkook coming downstairs. "I'm ready, babe."

I nodded. "Let's go."

I looked at him. He looked extremely handsome.

"Oh my, so handsome." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah, I know," he said with arrogance. 

"Come on, let's go," I said.

He grabbed my hand. I blushed. Just like I did as a teenager.

We go into the car. It's 6PM.

"Where are you taking me?" I said.

"A fancy place," Jungkook said.

"Please don't waste too much money on me," I said.

"Relax, I can spend tons of money on you, and still, I'll love you as always," Jungkook said.

I blushed. 


I looked at the restaurant. Oh my, it's big and fancy. At least $100+ for one dinner with me and Jungkook. 

He opened the door for me. "Oh my, thank you."

"No problem, anything for my lady," he said.

He offered his hand. I took it.

We entered into the restaurant. 

"Table for two?" the waiter said.

"Yes," I said.

He nodded. "I hope you two will have a great evening as a great surprise will happen to you." The waiter looked at me.

A great surprise? Huh?

"Sit here," the waiter guided us to a table.

I sat on a chair. The chair is comfy, and the color of red velvet. 

Everything on the table is decorated nicely. The napkins are shaped into beautiful swans.

"Wow, this is such a nice restaurant," I said.

"It is," Jungkook smiled.

"I'll take your order," a lady said. 

I looked up. It was Hyori. Hyori from high school.

"Hyori?" I said.

Hyori smiles. "Lina? I haven't seen you since we were juniors."

"Yeah, true that," I said.

Hyori looks at Jungkook. "Oh look it's the playboy."

Jungkook laughs. "I'm not a playboy anymore, that was in the past now."

Hyori laughs. "It's been a while I have seen you two, and I used to hate you Lina, but we were high schoolers that time."

"Yep, that's way in the past." I laugh.

"Yeah, so what can I get you?" Hyori smiles.


As we finished with our dinner, I started to get full.

"I'm already full," I said.

"Me too, but the food here is really good," Jungkook said.

"True," I said.

"Listen Lina, I just want to let you know that I really love you!" Jungkook said.

I blush. "Really?"

"Yes, really." Jungkook beamed. "I love you so much that I would spend the rest of my life with you."

My eyes widen. What is he saying?

The lights closed.

Then a spotlight was on us. He got up, and I also got up.

"Jungkook?" I said.

He bent down to his knees, in a proposal way.

There he goes, opening a box, with a diamond ring inside. 

I stood there frozen. Everyone staring at us, smiling.

"...Lina... I've known you since we were high schoolers, and I've liked you since we just started high school. You are my best friend, you are my lover, you are basically everything to me. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you more than anything, will you please marry me?" Jungkook beamed at me.

I stared at him. My eyes started to fill with tears. Is this really happening?!?

I smiled with joy. "Yes of course!"

He took out the ring from the box, took my left hand gently and slid on my ring finger. I couldn't be more happier.

I beamed at the ring. It shined brightly into my eyes. He grabbed my waist gently and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed passionately. 

Everyone started clapping, some people hooting and whistling. 

Then confetti started to fly everywhere in the restaurant, music started to play, and people congratulating us.

I'm engaged. I can't believe it. I can't wait to tell my umma, my uncles and aunts, my grandma & grandpa, my cousins, Junghee & her father, and my appa.. if he is still out there somewhere. 

I couldn't stop admiring my ring. It looks beautiful.

"LINA!!!" I heard Hyejin jumping up and down hugging me. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE ENGAGED WITH SOMEONE ALREADY! I DON'T EVEN HAVE A BOYFRIEND!"

I hugged her back. "Be patient, you'll find someone one day."

"Hopefully!" she laughs, and I laugh with her.

I see Jackson with GOT7.

"Jackson?!" I said.

"LINA! I haven't seen you in months!" Jackson said.

I smile. "Yeah! It's been a while, how are you and GOT7?"

I see BamBam next to him. "CONGRATS!" BamBam yells.


"Can't believe you're engaged already! It felt like yesterday you were a college student in the cafe!" Jackson said.

I remember when I first met Jackson at the cafe. I smile.

"Well I'm done with college and moving onto my life!" I said.

"That's good! CONGRATS by the way," Jackson said and leaves.

I go back and took my soon to be husband's hand.


OMG this chapter really gave me the feels. Anyways, hoped you enjoy this chapter. Cya! xx

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