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Hi everyone. It's been, well about 2 months or so. I apologize for not updating. As you all know, I am very busy at school. It is my first time experiencing at school something so stressful. Too much projects, essays, everything. It's really hard for me to keep up on wattpad, and I apologize for that. I'm sorry, and I will try to update more soon. Thank you :)


The wedding music plays.

Flowers everywhere.

I see my family and friends smiling. 

Today, is the day.  

I looked at the scenery. I couldn't be more happier.

Jungkook smiles at me. He took my hand, held it, and squeezed it.

Then our hands let go of each other.

The priest cleared his throat. 


"We are gathered on this beautiful afternoon day, to view the everlasting love of Jeon Jungkook and Hwang Lina."

I looked around everyone. Smiles plastered on their faces. My mother looking very teary-eyed. I looked up to the sky. Can my father hear this? 

"The reason of their love today, is because of their relationship in the past, their friendship and their love for each other for many years, today is the today where they will stay within each other forever."

I looked up to him. He's giving me a goofy grin that makes me fall in love with him everyday.

"May their marriage bring them peace, joy, love and comfort. I wish the luck to both of you, and I hope everyday, you will love each other more and more, and stay together FOREVER."

I believe it's time for the vows.

"Jungkook and Lina, at this time, face each other and take each other's hands."

He grabbed my hands while I held his.

He looked at me straight in the eye, as me as always, blushes, but smiles back at him.

"Jungkook, will you take Lina to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish the moments with her, everyday and every night, love her today, love her tomorrow, and love her forever? Will you trust her, show her honor, laugh and cry with her, will you be that faithful husband throughout the bad and good times, as long as you both shall live?"

The whole place was silent.

Me looking through his eyes.

I squeezed his hands, as he squeezed mine back.

"I will."

Everyone smiles. 

"Good," the priest said.

Then the priest looks at me. 

"Lina, will you take Jungkook to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish the moments with him, everyday and every night, love him today, love him tomorrow, and love him forever? Will you trust him, show him honor, laugh and cry with him, will you be that faithful wife throughout the bad and good times, as long as you both shall live?"

I squeezed his hands one more time. I smiled.

"I will."

"You may exchange rings."

I took the rings and we exchanged.

The priest looks at me. "Ready to be Mrs. Jeon?"

I nodded.

"You may kiss the bride."

Jungkook held the back of my head as I put my arms around his shoulder.

We shared a passionate kiss as the crowd goes wild.

Everyone claps and whistles, confetti everywhere.  I can hear everyone shouting, "JUNGKOOK & LINA."

My tears of happiness spilled from my eyes.

I held Jungkook's hands as we were escorted back.

I can't believe it. I just got married.


It was time to eat. Everyone was in the place eating like today was the last day on Earth. I'm guessing they were all really hungry from all the shouting and jumping around.

I guess myself, was starving also.

We all ate salmon, sausages, bread, bacon, noodles, crab, lobster, EVERYTHING BASICALLY. 

Everyone gathered up in the "adults" table and lifted up their glasses.

"TO JUNGKOOK & LINA!" They all shouted as we all took a gulp. 

Jimin, being Jimin, drank the whole glass in one gulp.

Hyejin laughing as she hit him on the shoulder. "Don't drink too much Jimin."

"I'll try not to," as Jimin took Hyejin's waist and hugged her.


We all finished eating and it was time for everyone to dance.

It was a slow song at first, as me and Jungkook slow danced to the song.

My head on his shoulder and his arms around my waist. Is there any day better than today?

He kissed my forehead and I fidgeted in his arms.

Then after the slow song was over we sat down. 

All of sudden "Touch my body" was on by SISTAR.

I started to see one of Jungkook's friend and Jimin dancing to the song. What weird friends Jungkook has. I started laughing so hard I turned red.

As all the playing still went on, it started to become late.

Most of the people left already, except for a few of us.

Then Hyejin grabbed my hand and hugged me.

"Thank you, and congratulations." 

I hugged her back. "Thank you and thank you for what?"

She smiled. "Me and Jimin got back together, because of this."

I smiled at her. "Really?!"

She nodded. "I waited so many years. But today, he said this brings back so much memories that he wanted to be back together, and he was sorry for taking my virginity like that like 7 years ago."

I laughed. "That was so long ago though."

Hyejin giggled. "I know, but I'm glad we're back together, after SO MANY years."

I nodded. "I know right."

She hugged me again. "I'm going to leave now, I love you my best friend." 

I hugged her back. "I love you too. Get back home safe and I'll see you again."

She nodded.


Everyone left. 

Jungkook grabbed my hand. "Ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yes, HUSBAND."


That's it everyone~

NO THE BOOK IS NOT ENDING YET. THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER. I believe about a few more left, and it's the end.

I am happy that I created this book because it became a huge success~ 

I started on the book since March and it's almost 2016. I hope everyone has a great weekend, thank you for all being patient readers and I love you all<3

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