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2 years ago.

It was a sunny day.

Jiyoung smiled brightly. She wanted to see her boyfriend, a freshman, Jungkook.

Jiyoung was a sophomore. She was an innocent girl. She looked like she was in middle school instead of high school. 

Jiyoung walked into the school, excited. She ran to her boyfriend.

"Ah, Jungkook, let's hang out after school!" Jiyoung smiled brightly.

Jungkook nodded. "See you then."


Jiyoung was at her lunch period. She was so bored. She wanted to see her dear boyfriend, but he was a freshman, a freshman and a sophomore have different schedules.

She tapped her foot, as she ate her sushi.

"Hey," a guy sat next to her.

Her eyes widen. "Jin?!"

He smiled. "What's up?"

She knew Jin disappeared and never went to school again. How is he here now?

"Where were you for these months? What happened to you?" Jiyoung questioned.

"In my mansion, of course," Jin said, as he smiled.

"We missed you Jin, why didn't you say your goodbyes?" Jiyoung said.

"Because, Jiyoung," Jin said.

Jiyoung nodded as she bit into her sandwich.

"Jiyoung.. please.. fall in love with me.. we can live together in my mansion happily, disappear in sudden air, no one will ever know," Jin said.

Jiyoung's eyes widen. "I-I am in a relationship with Jungkook."

Jin smiled. "I know, but I always thought you loved me more."

It was true. Even though Jiyoung loved Jungkook, she adored guys that were older than her. So she can call him oppa. Jungkook was a nice and cute guy, but he was younger than her and Jiyoung felt uncomfortable. She liked older guys.

"I-I guess so," Jiyoung said.

Jin smiled. "So come to me."

Jiyoung stood there silent.

Jin came in silently to give her a peck in the lips. Jiyoung fell in love instantly. She loved his scent, and his lust for her.

"Okay," she said.

"Tell your last words to Jungkook, after school, then I'll pick you up," Jin said.


The bell rang.

Jiyoung saw Jungkook outside. She ran outside to approach him, but she stopped as she saw him flirting another freshman girl. She was pretty. (It was Lina)

She knew that Jungkook probably didn't like her. He probably liked younger girls.

She ran to another direction.

And stopped to catch her breath.

"Jiyoung!" she heard Jungkook running after her.

"I thought we were hanging out after school today?" he said.

Jiyoung smiled. "This is the last time we will see each other, but, I am in love with Jin. I am sorry Jungkook, but me and you won't work together, I love dating older guys, I don't want to be a noona, it is better if you love some other girl than me, I have lost my feelings for you!"

Jiyoung ran as fast as she can. She didn't hear Jungkook running after her.


Jiyoung sat on a couch next to Jin at the mansion.

"You're a prisoner now."

Those words broke her heart. Jin betrayed her?!

Jiyoung's eyes filled with tears. Jin wanted to be with her. Not make her into a prisoner.


Chapter Seventeen is Pt. 2 to this. Thanks for reading, that is all I am going to write today, TY for reading xx ^-^

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