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Hello everyone. SO it's been like 2-3 days since the last update. I have decided to update again, I should be doing my homework, but I'm deciding to update for you guys ^-^ Anyways, I should all thank you again. TY so much for 5k reads. I just made this wattpad and I just wanted to make stories for fun, I didn't think anyone would read them :P but anyways, TY so much.


Lina's POV

What the? Survivor? I was standing there. This "Jiyoung" girl said she was a survivor. Seriously, Jungkook NEVER discussed about me with this girl. I knew he had girlfriends in the past, but really, I never knew he even fell in love.

"Jiyoung.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SURVIVOR?" Jungkook said.

Jiyoung laughed. "Wow, Jungkookie, I always thought of you as my little brother, you know? I'm your noona. Dating you was just so uncomfortable, so please, I am not your true love."

Jungkook smirked. "Looking for you for 2 years was such a waste? Huh?"

Jiyoung frowned. "Jungkook. You always flirted with other girls in our relationship, and plus, being the older one is just.. so uncomfortable."

Jungkook smirked. "Whatever, Jiyoung. I've moved on, so did you, we're both equal? eh?"

Jiyoung smiled. "Sure."

Jiyoung looked at me. "So how is you and your new girlfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend." I said as my eyes targeted at Jiyoung.

"Oh really? You guys look pretty cute," Jiyoung smirked.

I blushed.

"Oh look, she's blushing, how cute." Jiyoung faked a smile. I knew that smile was fake. Like really. You can tell.

My mind flashes back. Jin told me to tell Jungkook that he has Jiyoung. Now here she is. What did Jin plan? What did he want?

"Never mind about that! Tell me why Hyejin is here! And why are you a survivor!?" Jungkook yelled.

"Lower your voice, ya idiot." I whispered into his ear.

He glared at me. Whoa. Ferocious. Then he pecked my lips and smiled. I knew it. He can't stay mad at me.

"BECAUSE JUNGKOOK. I was a survivor. OKAY? Hyejin is a prisoner now, DON'T even try to escape with her, and guess what? I was her in position 2 years ago! That is why I am a prisoner! You don't understand right?" Jiyoung said.

Jungkook's eyes were filled with fury. "I have nothing to say."

Jungkook grabbed my wrist and started to head to a direction.

"Jungkook? Where are you going?" I heard Jiyoung said.

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