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How are you guys? Ready for another update to this story? Here it is! :D


"Please leave this way.. yes.. thank you, how was your flight? enjoyed it?.." The flight attendant nodded while I left the airport.

I sigh. Korea. 

I haven't been here in 3 years. It's great to be back.

I went on my phone. 

Me: Hey Hyejin, I'm at Korea now. Mind giving me a ride back to my hotel?

My mom, Junghee, and Junghee's father stayed at US. So I just live in a hotel, just for 3 days. Then after 3 days, I'm going to live with my grandma.

Then my phone beeped. She messaged back.


Me: :) Thank you. 

I smiled. Such a good friend.

I sat on the bench and waited for her.


A car pulled up in front of me.

I smiled. Hyejin.

I opened the car door and sat on the passenger seat. 

Hyejin looked different.

Now, that petite cute girl that she used to be, is now a lady. She has bangs, and light brown hair that she must of dyed. Now she wears more makeup. Black pumps. A jacket and black skinny jeans.

She smiles. "I MISSED YOU!!!" 

She hugs me and kisses my cheek.

I laugh. "I MISS YOU TOO!!" 

"You look so different!!"

"So do you!!!"

I hugged her one last time.

"So hotel?"

I nodded. 


10 minutes later

Me and Hyejin were talking about our lives for straight 10 minutes.

Hyejin drove me to my hotel. 

I smiled. "Let me thank you for last time."

She grins widely. "No it's no problem!!"

I smiled and nodded as I got out of her car.

I sigh. Let's get through these 3 days.

I went inside the hotel.


I settled all my luggage inside my hotel room.

I pant and I wipe the sweat off my forehead. It took a while to bring all the luggage up.

I close and lock the door. I looked at the time. 


I decided to go to the coffee shop. The one I used to go all the time while I was a high school student.


I walked there. I wore my hair up in a high ponytail. A miniskirt with a matching shirt. With a silver flats. I putted on some light makeup.

The time I got there, I walked inside. In 3 years, the coffee shop really hadn't change. The same nice coffee shop. I ordered a latte, and banana bread.

I sat on a table of two. The same table that I always sat on since a high school girl. Jungkook would always sit on the other chair. I sigh as I remember all the memories. 

I went on my phone, scrolling through instagram, and facebook. I smiled as I saw my mom post a cute puppy on instagram. I doubled tap on the photo.

"Oh my.. why is such a pretty girl sitting alone at the coffee shop?" 

It was in English.

I looked up. 

It was some guy that looked very familiar. He wore a snap back, backwards. He had red lips, and big eyes. He looks very flirty. Yet he looked very handsome. (GUESS WHO IT IS!)

I smiled. "Oh.. I just came back from US, and thank you." I replied back in English.

"Whoa, you know English too? And US.. mmm.. fancy!" the guy said.

I laughed. "Yep! Born and raised at the US and I'm going to college there too."

He smiles. "Wow, so educated."

He sat on the chair. The chair that Jungkook would always sit on.

"So how are you?" the strange guy said.

"I'm doing well, you?" I said.

"Same, just hanging around after a day of practice."


"Well.. if you didn't know me just yet.. I am Jackson Wang from GOT7."


He laughs. "Are you Korean?"

I nodded. "Well.. I've been in US so long that I haven't heard KPOP in a while.."

Then I thought for a while. Oh. GOT7. I know them.

"Actually, I do know GOT7, but I only know about two members.. BamBam and Mark?"

He pouts. "You those two but you don't know me?"

I laugh. "I'm so sorry, I don't know all the members, and I am not familiar with GOT7."

He smiles. "It's fine, well anyways, I just saw you sitting here, I thought you were a model at first, so I just came to chat. I gotta go, do you want to visit JYP?"


"Oh.. um sure!!"

He smiles. "Let's go, we can walk, it's not that far from here."


When we were walking, he was talking about GOT7. So far the members are, Jackson, Mark, BamBam, Yugyeom, JB, JR, and Youngjae. Yet I am only familiar with BamBam and Mark, and I am guessing I heard JB and JR somewhere, when I was a teen.

Me and Jackson got so comfortable with each other we starting talking about our personal lives.

"Wow, so you're 97 liner?" 


"Same as BamBam and Yugyeom."

"Wow, cool."

"What month?"


"Wow, younger than BamBam."

Then we were at JYP.

"Do I need to sign up to enter in JYP?"

"Nah, I'll just say you're my friend." Jackson smiles.

Jackson walks in the door, as I followed him. "Come, let's go to the dorm."


When we reached to the GOT7 dorm, I saw Mark and BamBam.

"Who is she?"

"She's pretty!"

I blushed from all the compliments from Mark and BamBam.

My phone beeped. There was a message, by Jungkook.



How was the chapter? Any of you guys going to the Chicago BTS concert at July? <3

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