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Lina's POV

I picked up my books off the floor. Over the weeked, me & Jungkook went shopping, watched movies, and did homework together. 

Hana knocked off the books off my arms. "Can you stop??" 

"NO!" she screamed at me. 

I shook my head. "You literally have no life, do you?" I said.

"How about you shut the fuck up? It's none of your business!!" Hana spat in my face.

"Why are you up IN MY BUSINESS? It's fucking irritating me.." I said.

She smirked. 


I came out of the classroom, since it was lunch time, noticing a guy pins me onto the wall. "The fuck?" I said.

"Let go of me!!" I screamed. 

"NO! You must come with me, sweetie," the strange guy said.

I struggled for him to let go of me. "Honey, please stop," he said.

We got out of the school as he pushed me into a ugly automobile.

"Excuse me? I have lunch!! I don't want to fail school!! Come on!!" I screamed.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU'LL BE BACK IN 1 HOUR!!" the strange guy said.

"What a waste of my lunch!!" I screamed.

He sat next to me. He reeked. "I am doing what my boss wants me too," he said.

I screamed. "LET ME GO!!!"

Then he covered some kind of cloth on me. It had this liquid soaked in it. I passed out.


I woke up in a mansion, on a couch.

"Huh?" I said.

"Hello!" a guy walked up to me.

He wore all fancy white suit.

He had nice dress shoes. He was quite handsome.

"EH?" I said.

"My name is Kim Seok Jin, you can just call me Jin!" the handsome man said.

"I want to go home.." I said.

"Haha, you will, soon, you're just here for a bit, til your lunch is over," Jin said.

"My lunch period probably already passed.." I said.

"Nope, you have been asleep for only 5 minutes, when you got here.." Jin said.

"What do you want?" I said.

"You know Jeon Jungkook?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Well, you should do a favor for me, sweetheart," he said.

"What is it?" I said.

"Tell him I have Jiyoung," he said.

"What?" I said.

"He would know," Jin said as he smiles. "Also I got something to show you."

"What?" I said.

"Guards, show her," Jin said.

Two guards were holding a girl, all beaten up, with cuts and bruises everywhere.

Until I looked at her face.

It was Hyejin.

"HYEJIN!" I screamed and ran to her. But I was held back. By more guards. There was another one behind me, and I didn't know.

Hyejin smiled. "It's nice to see someone again, someone I know, I'm so sorry Lina, for everything I've done to you, I wish I can be friends with you again,"  she said in a weakly voice.


I was interrupted by Jin.

"Well, you've seen enough, guards, take her away," Jin said.

The two guards walked away, with a beaten up Hyejin.

"TELL ME WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" I screamed at him.

"Just do my favor, sweetie," Jin smiled.


"Sweetie, calm down!" Jin said.


I was interrupted again.

He slapped me.

My face red. Memories rushed  through my head. My appa slapping me. I stood there, tears falling out of my eyes.

"Well.. that is what you get for interrupting and disrespecting a guy older than you!" Jin said.

I stood there.

"Anyways, you do my favor! I will know whether or not if you did it, because, if you don't, your sweet best friend Hyejin, will be in danger," Jin said.

I looked at my watch. 

My lunch is almost over. "Please, let me go now."

Jin nodded. "Do my favor, and by the way, don't be smart and call the police, my guards are after you, they know EVERYTHING about you."

I stood there, in shock, staring at him.

"You heard me," Jin said.

A guard took my arm. "I'm taking you back to school."


The guard dropped me off.

I stood there in shock.

"LINA?!" Nara said.

Nara and Hyori stood there, licking an ice cream cone.

"Did she ditch?" Hyori said.

"No wait, it was her lunch?" Nara said.

I stood there. Ignoring them.

"Is she retared or something?" Hyori said.

I ran into the school.


I was in the middle of class. I was staring at Jungkook's well built body.

He smiled at me.

I managed a smile back to him. Who is Jiyoung? How am I supposed to tell him? I have to do my favor, I want Hyejin to be safe, even though she is already in danger. How does Jin know everything about me? WHAT DOES HE WANT?


Sorry for late update, I already wrote two chapters already!! I will post the other chapter soon today. 

I found out there is a lot of ghost readers in this story!! Anyways, you ghost readers need to start voting and commenting x3 

How do you feel about this new thing happening? No more about Lina's sweet school life, it turns out Jin is planning something!

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