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Lina's POV

Jungkook grabbed my waist. I felt his hot breath on my neck. "Lina, whatever I do to you, you must feel pleasure."

I nodded. 

He kissed me deeply, then started to take off my pants.

Then my panties..

I woke up in fear. I was sweating. I looked at the time. 9AM. I forgot today was Saturday. 

I laid there, wondering what kind of dream was that. "That was a sexual dream.." I said.

I was so shocked. I never had a dirty dream.

I heard Junghee run into my room. "UNNIE! Time to wake up! You have a big day today!"

I was confused. Big day? What?

"What?" I said.

"A guy downstairs told me to wake you up, telling you that you have a big day!" Junghee giggled.

Obviously Jungkook. I got off the bed. I ran downstairs. I see him, looking really attractive. I kept myself from fidgeting, since he's so attractive.  "Hey," he said.

I nodded. "Hey, what's up?"

I kept kinda quiet since my mom and her boyfriend are sleeping, they usually wake up at 12. I know late, but old people like sleeping, even though my mom is middled age.

"We need to go to Jin's Mansion, like right now," he said.

"NOW?! I got to shower.. I just woke up.." I said.

"Fine, you got 20 minutes, my friend isn't waiting for too long.." Jungkook said,

Huh? What friend?


I got out of the bathroom, my hair finally end up being smooth when I  blow dried it.

I went into my room, pulling off my shirt. Then I heard someone opened the door.

It was Jungkook.

"AH! Jungkook.. I'm wearing no shirt.. go away.. byuntae.." I said, covering my breasts.

He started chuckling. "Oops, I accidentally walked into this room."

"AH! GET OUT!" I said.

Then he got out.

I put on a shirt and a sweater underneath.

Then skinny jeans.

Then I slipped on my sneakers.

"Let's go," I said, as I opened the door, as Jungkook was on his phone.

He nodded. "You look good."

I blushed. "Shut up, let's go."

"Aish, you're so shy," he said.

I glared at him. "Whatever."

We went outside, and I didn't even bother to ask my mom. Whatever. I really don't care. My relationship with my mother faded ever since my appa left. Well I don't give a shit what happens next with my mom, because if my appa isn't involved in it, I don't give a fuck.

I got into a car, that Jungkook lead me in. There was an attractive guy, on his phone, at the driver's seat. Jungkook sat next to me.

"Yo, Tae, take us to Jin's mansion," Jungkook said.

I am guessing that is Taehyung, since Jungkook talked about him before.

On the passenger seat there was items there, like weapons?

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