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Lina's POV

"AISH!" Junghee said as she dropped her lollipop.

I stood there. Waiting for Jungkook to come to my house, as I tell him, that Jin has Jiyoung. And about Hyejin.

My mom and Junghee's dad went out shopping, while I stay home babysitting Junghee.

The doorbell ringed.

I ran to the door. "Who is it unnie?" Junghee asked.

"A guy," I said.

I opened the door.

"JUNGKOOK!" I said as I hugged him.
Junghee smiled.

"I will leave you two alone," Junghee said, as she went out of the room. 


Jungkook smiled. He pecked my lips.

"I got something to tell you!!" I said.

Jungkook smiled. "Tell me."

I took his hand and sat on the couch.

He sat down on the couch.

"Do you know Jin?" I asked.

His eyes widen. "I knew a Jin.."

"Well.. yesterday I was kidnapped during lunch period, and was brought to a mansion, where I met a guy, named Jin," I said. 

Jungkook sat there silent.

"Please, tell me you are kidding me.." Jungkook said.

"I'm not!" I said.

"Lina, YOU MUST STAND BY MY SIDE," Jungkook said.

"Why?"  I said.

"Because.. Lina.. we're in deep danger.." Jungkook said.

"He told me to tell you that he has.. a girl name Jiyoung??" I said.

Jungkook eyes widen in fear. "Wait, what?" 

"Jin told me to tell you that he has someone named Jiyoung?" I said.

Jungkook held me by the shoulders. "What else did he tell you?"

"N-Not much, but I found out yesterday that he has HYEJIN!!" I said.

Jungkook shook me by the shoulders. "Lina.. I need to do something.. and I need your help.."

I nodded. "I want Hyejin back to safety.."

"It's not just Hyejin.. and Jiyoung.." he said.

"Who is Jiyoung?" I said, concerned. 

"My ex-girlfriend.." he said.

I was not shocked. He was a playboy. It's nothing new.

"Oh.." I said.

"Who is Jin anyways?" I said.

He looked me straight in the eyes. "My best friend.. before.. back in the days.." 

Third Person

Jungkook stared deeply into Lina's eyes. He had to tell her. He needed her help, to accomplish this task.

"Back then.. when I was a freshman.. I was in a gang called Bangtan Boys.. there were 7 members.. Suga, Rap Monster, Jin, Taehyung also known as V, J-Hope, Jimin and me," he said.

"Okay?" Lina said.

"We were all buddies and stuff, hanged out, I was closest with Taehyung and Jimin, but my relationship with Jin was quite awkward. We were best friends, but he had a friendship towards me, and hatred, all combined together," Jungkook said.

Lina nodded.

"Then one day, Jin said he was sick and couldn't hang out with us for a day, then he never hanged out with us after that time he said he was sick," Jungkook said. "Then he said he hated all 6 of us, and never wanted to see us again."

"We never saw him again," Jungkook said.

Lina sat there, interested.

"All 6 of us moved on our lives, we still hang out, but not in our gang name, without Jin," Jungkook said. "Until I started dating a girl named Jiyoung, I had feelings for her, but they suddenly went away when she said she wanted to break up because she fell in love with Jin. I was pretty shocked because I never saw Jin after that time when he said he was sick. I moved onto life when I found out on the news that Jiyoung disappeared. I tried to find her for 2 years, and I still couldn't from this day."

Lina was mindblown. She didn't know Jungkook liked someone before. 

"I-I have no words to say," Lina said.

Jungkook kissed her. "You don't have to say anything."

After a minute or two from kissing, Lina said, "What do we do?"

"Kill Jin."

Lina's eyes widen. She would never cause a crime. 


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