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Lina's POV

I fell onto the floor. Flat on the face. People laughed. It's not funny. My face burned like hell.

Why does everyone hate me? What have I ever done? Please.. just leave me alone..

"HAHA! WHAT A HOE!" said Nara, I believe.

"Totes, but  I rather fix up my pedicure instead.." I heard Hyori.

I got up. 

"Wow, her face is flushed!" Hyori says.

Of course you dumb bitch! I just fell flat on my face!

"I wanna beat her up!!" Nara said, throwing a punch, but Hyori held her back. "Why do you care so much about beating her up? I mean come on this is bullshit, let's focus on something else!!" Hyori said.

"She's such an ugly bitch!! I just wanna tear her apart!" Nara said.

"Oh PLEASE, just shut the fuck up for now, why do you care about this bitch? she's useless as fuck, let's just move on!!" Hyori said.

Kai went over and grabbed Hyori's butt cheeks. "Let's go babe, to the janitor's room.."

"Okay.. baby.." Hyori said. (GET IT!! CALL ME BABY!!! OMG!!! Okay? No. Lol)

Pfft. Fucking bitches. Always talking shit about me. It's getting petty as fuck.

I walked away from them, all they did was waste my time!!

I walked into the classroom.

'Well... it's the hoe? Huh?" someone said.

Ugh. Not again.

I turned around.

My eyes widen.

It was.. Hyejin?

"How dare you call me that?" I said.

"I finally have the guts to say it at your face!" Hyejin said.

"Hyejin.. why do you hurt me like that?" I said.

"I don't give a fuck! You called me a slut!" Hyejin said.

"You don't understand what is going on with me! My appa left! My mother was an affair for 2 years!! I'm left with 2 more people in the household! Don't YOU UNDERSTAND?! My life is going through a tough road here, and you don't give a shit," I said.

Hyejin laughed. "Does it look like I care? This is a present from god! You are suffering! I love this!"

I slapped her. Hyejin fell to the ground. Her little body. Onto the ground. I didn't mean to slap her, but her attitude offends me. Me vs. Her, obviously I will win. Anyone can take her down. She's tinier than a little animal.

The whole room gasped. 

The teacher yelled. "PICK HER UP!!"

Jimin came in running. Picked up Hyejin bridal style.

"Nice going, Lina, decided to slap her huh?" Jimin said.

"She said lots of shit to me, you don't understand," I said.

"Pfft. Whatever," Jimin said.

Third Person

Lina stared out the window. "I miss my appa.."

Lina thought of all the memories she had with her appa. She loved her appa so much.

"Unnie?" Junghee said, by the door.

"Come in, if you like," Lina said.

Junghee jumped onto Lina's bed.

"What's wrong?"

"I miss my appa.. a lot.." Junghee said.

"Oh... I miss my umma.." Junghee said.

"You do?" Lina said.

"My umma left us when I was just 3 years old! I miss her a lot!!" Junghee said.

Lina just nodded.

"If you need anyone to talk to, please talk to me! I know how it feels when a parent you love leaves you! I experienced it for years!" Junghee beamed.

Lina smiled. She never knew her step-sister is so kind and nice. She liked the way she tried to be happy at all times.

"Okay, sure," Lina smiled.

"OKAY UNNIE!!" Junghee said, as she jumped up and down on the bed. "WHOA, you're hyper!!" Lina said.

"YEAH!" Junghee said as she ran out the door when she smelled the cooking downstairs.

Lina sighed. 

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