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Hello everyone! This story is ending very soon! :( 

There might be no sequel, but there will be an epilogue!

After this story is done, please read my Mark Tuan fanfiction. After this story is finish, I might do a multifandom story :3


I cooked dinner for Jungkook. It was almost time. We were getting married soon. 

Tomorrow. I looked at the ring on my hand. I can't believe it. I'm getting married. At such a young age..

(She's at her mid-twenties at this time..)

I placed the dinner on the table. 

Jungkook smiled. "Almost time."

I smiled back. "Yeah, I know."

I have invited all my friends from middle school, elementary, high school, and my college friends. 

So did Jungkook.

"I can't believe I'm marrying the most beautiful girl on Earth." Jungkook smiled.

"And I can't believe I'm marrying the most handsome guy on Earth!" I said.

He laughs.

We had a chat all night.


I woke up with Jungkook's arms holding me. I tried to get up and get ready. But his arms still kept still.

"Jungkook.." I shook him a bit.

He kept still. I laugh.

I really need to get up though. I need to go get ready and beautify myself, and so does Jungkook. But I woke up extra early.

"Jungkook," I said sternly.

"Yah!! Why did you wake me up!" Jungkook said rubbing his eyes.

"Thank you for letting go of me," I said.

"Why didn't you ask me quietly?" Jungkook said.

I shook my head. I don't think that would work either.

I went into the kitchen and made oatmeal for myself. 

I can't believe I'm getting married today.

I hurry up eating and head to my cousins, where all the bridesmaids get their makeup and hair done. 

I went upstairs and wake up Jungkook.

"Jungkook, it's time to get ready for the wedding."



Next thing you know my cousin is doing my makeup. 

My cousin is a professional makeup artist, and also good in hair styling too. There is also another makeup and hair stylist, who is doing the bridesmaids hair and makeup. 

The flower girl is Junghee. She is arriving to Korea soon with my mom and Junghee's father.

The ceremony starts at 4PM.

Since my father isn't here anymore, my mother will escort me to the groom.

It's only 1PM right now, so I still have to wait a few more minutes for them to come.

My cousin just finished my makeup now, and I looked in the mirror. I see another person. I look completely different.

"I did good right?" she said.

I nodded. "Thank you."

My cousin started to do my hair.


As my cousin finished my hair, she smiled and beamed at me.

"I can't believe that your getting married already."

I nodded. "I know right."

"I'm thirty years old and I don't even have a boyfriend!" my cousin exclaimed.

"You will find the perfect man soon in your life," I smiled.

My cousin smirked.

Then I saw Junghee. She's taller now. I see her smirking at me. "Hi Junghee," I said.

She smiles. "Hey." 

"This is auntie, she will do your hair and makeup," I said.

Junghee nodded.

My mom walked in and hugged me. Junghee's dad smiled.

"This is your day!" my mother said.

I smiled. "I know."


The bridesmaid's hairs and makeup were all done, now they all had to put on their dresses. 

Me, I am ready. It is 3PM. It's almost time.

I look outside. I see Jackson and BamBam, all my friends from high school, Taehyung, Jimin and Hyejin... I didn't see Hana though. 

I sigh. I'm nervous.

I looked at myself in the mirror. 

I closed my eyes. 

I needed to leave a message for my father.

.. "Hello appa? How are you in heaven? If you didn't know... I'm getting married today. Wished you would escort me down the aisle, but since you're not here, I'm getting escorted by someone else.. wished you were here to meet Jungkook! He's a really nice guy, he takes care of me, wished you were here to teach me more things.. I miss you.."

I played on my phone and did my things. 


It's 3:55PM. 

It's time.

I'm getting married.

I walked down the aisle, Junghee's father escorting me. Behind me, the flower girl Junghee, and the ring bearer, my nephew follows me.

There I see Jungkook. He smiled at me. I blushed.



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