Preview of Chapter Fourteen part 2

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He didn't need to turn around to know that she was standing behind him as he stared into the fires of the chimney burning, the feeling of warmth from the flames did nothing to pale his inner turmoil as he could feel her presence behind her and her scent wrapped around him like fresh air, the smell of full woman and sweet fruit. A fruit that he had told himself to stay away from, for both of their sakes. He felt the warmth of her body wrap herself around him as he felt the softness of her skin, he had to fight back every fiber in his body as he felt Ahmenia's body hold him tightly against her, the cushion of her breasts against his back made his senses flame with desire as he gripped the stone tops above the fireplce with his hands fighting back the growl that was rising in his throat as the fireworks coursed through his body, for 5 years he fought like hell, the need to go after her, the agonizing unfairness that nature had put on his shoulders as he waited for her to come to him when she was ready. For 5 years he dealt with the distance of being without her, the mating heat be damned he knew within himself that Ahmenia was his, however the past between them was too much for him to put into a logical explaination because to him she was delicate and too fragile, or atleast she was...until now. His manner of keeping in control were hard enough with her being here, alone with him and knowing that she was touching him drove him mad with desire and lust. Anthony knew he could face her, knowing that the fragile child-like woman standing behind him was long gone and reborn on the flesh of this sex craved Alpha female that made him so hard his dick could cause an earthquake and all that would matter was her pleasure. 5 years he resisted her advances, 5 years he resisted and kicked back the nagging knowledge of the pleasure that he was denying himself...and her. He couldn't deny either of them any longer.


She had cut her hair since she last seen him 5 years ago, the once long black tendrils were now a short bob style where the back of her hair only touched her neck and didn't go any further, 5 years of not seeing him had torn her apart no matter the circumstances that they had found themselves in or the damage that had been done...even if it was by his hands that caused the damage in the first place, over the course of 5 years Ahmenia had changed from the quiet timid fragile girl that she had once been and transformed into a full woman, not only going after what she wanted to accomplis as an Alpha Female but also as a simply a woman with needs, and right now she needed the man that had fought the mating heat for 5 years for fear of breaking her to realize that they were stronger together and believe in her now as she did him during the 5 years that they were apart.

 Ahmenia knew how in control Anthony was with his emotions and actions, calculating and calm as he was, she also knew that she was the only woman on the planet who really pushed his limits to the brink and cause him to cave, she let the woman in her take over as she tucked her hands underneath his shirt from his back and  roamed her hands from the deeply dipping of his hips and up the side of his defined waist to the center of his chest, the flex of muscle in his pecs reacted as if on instinct against her touch as she eyed her alpha mate and continued her teasing as she set herself on the tips of her toes, the salty taste of male and nervousness on his skin touched her tongue as she slowly licked up the side of his exsposed neck and rubbed the pecs of his chest as the hunger inside her progressed as she heard the body clenching growl of delicisious pleasure that came from his lips. Ahmenia was secretly enjoying this as she kissed the tender spot of his neck and shoulder connection eliciting a curse to come from her Alpha male as she knew his control was slipping as she used her tongue to lick and caress his skin, the fire in the chimney seemed to match the fiery need within her own body as she ripped his shirt off from his back, the tattoo of the 5 wolf tribes going down his back caught her attention as the native design of the marking symbolizied how different he was from the other Pack tribes before he became Alpha. Ahmenia the woman and the wolf within her wanted her mate, hard hot and deep thrusting into her like the animal she knew he could be. She quickly spinned him around and pressed him against the fire place wall, the fires now dieing down as she could see the matching  lust and desire in Anthony's eyes" Ahmenia-" she didn't want hear anyhting other than his pleasured moans and (occasional)male like screams as she took what she wanted, what only he could give her, she grabbed him by the back of his neck, still on the stips of her toes and slammed her lips against his thrusting her tongue into his mouth.

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