Chapter One

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7 years later

After seven years of torture, humiliation, embarrassment, and hiding as she stared out of her 3-bed room condo apartment on the second floor the nightmares never went away. The many hands that touched her...the ways they moved her with the sensations that wrenched and tore through her body, it wasn't fair but she said nothing did nothing. Every day being more painful than the last and the more she tried to sleep her pain away the more her tears stained her bedsheets as she cried herself to sleep every night, the less she thought about the things that her master allowed those....monsters do to her the more she wished she had died that night, she wanted nothing more than to drift away from the world of the living and somewhat dead in her case. Her dark hair long and straightened as she watched the cars zoom by below her while she admired the view. Layla enjoyed looking at the city she now called home since she had escaped the hands of her master. She had fought struggled and survived, she even landed a job as a pharmacy specialist with her own office and the early mornings suited her with her" extracurricular activities" during the late nights with her hunts. The condo she lived in with an upper balcony view of the forest behind her with living in the Tennessee mountains, as she stood in her all-black lace robe that covered her body she looked at her clock on her nightstand and quickly got dressed in a wide waist black skirt that went down to her thick thighs and a black and white checkered T-shirt she grabbed her belongings stuffed them in her purse and was out the door ignoring that she missed breakfast and hoped in her Black and red painted jeep wrangler shifted into the ignition and roared down the road toward her job. About an hour later she pulled up into the security checkpoint gate and dashed out of her jeep running barefoot as fast as she could, she reached the elevator clocked in with her badge  I.d. and was into her office before anyone could notice she was missing unless that anyone being her boss and head CEO of her pharmacy specialist job Mr.Anthony Graves, a man who didn't take unplanned things lightly and was as strict with timing as an army drill sergeant. And Layla was his secretary"Ms. Reeves, I believe your late, again." She sighed, the one thing that she didn't like about him was his nagging and constantly on her about her being late to work which in this case wasn't her fault because some idiot with a nice all black 1997 GTO muscle car pulled out in front of her as she was dashing down the highway to work. "Mr.Graves it won't happen again I promise." He sighed as he swept a large hand through his sleep black hair, his grey eyes watching her studying her as she started typing up his schedule as she normally does but she could feel his eyes wandering traveling down to the swell of her breasts held together in her shirt along with her lace red bra. If not for the fact that he was her boss she'd kindly tell him to fuck off but she had learned her lesson after saying that to her master and with him, he didn't take "no" for an answer.

"I promise you'll really like this my little demon girl,he's really good with his hands and tongue too don't you want more?" she was angry at her master,his version of a 'home welcome' was him tying her down in a cell and letting any random vampire male or female have their way with her while he did nothing but watch and she hated him for every moment of it. She felt herself being bent over on her stomach hanging with her arms and legs tied behind her as if she was in a swing. She looked down as her master smiled in glee and she growled" no I don't like it I hate it,I hate you master I hate you,you make me sick" his eyes then darkened in rage at her words as she was brought down and spun around with his face to her back,she heard the ground echo with a sound that sent chills down her spine as she then realized what she knew he held in his hand, a whip. He cracked it against the ground and then smiled" I want to hear you scream my little layla,scream my name my slutty little pet!?" He then pulled back and cracked the whip against her back,once twice then four and five times each lashing she got tore into her skin as she cried and screamed in pain. "Remember layla I always own you,you belong to me and you obey me. You are mine."  She was so into her thoughts that she saw the hand reach out to her and her reflexes snapped and jarred into her system as she caught the hand and reacted by turning and catapulting the body over her shoulder and through her work desk that now lay broken. Her senses on alert and wild,due to her morning training routine and hunting at night she sharpened her senses and made sure to be ready for anything that crossed her. She closed her eyes and opened them again to find the body of mr.graves laying back first through the table. Oh no.  She quickly rushed over to him but to her shock he simply sat up and unclenched his aching muscles.ok what?  mr.graves looked up at her and stood to his feet as he brushed himself off,the entire office stood in layla's door way as if the whole office had gone on strike and she was the cause of it. Mr.graves turned to layla and only...smiled" if not for my kids being in karate class and me taking up wrestling when I did I don't think I would've been able to move after that hip toss you just did." Layla opened her mouth to say sorry until he raised his hand up with a smile on his face" don't worry about it your fine layla I shouldn't have just reached out to you like that,I'll have john and his boys come and fix the desk, in the mean time take Sarah's office I was Guna fire her anyway." With that he simply turned and walked out of her office barking at the awe struck employees as if they'd be late for class after a highschool pep rally. She stood in her office mouth open in awe as she closed her mouth and quickly grabbed her things and made her way into what used to be sarah's office. Her bare foot touched the floor and she smiled happily in excitement, carpet flooring. She walked in and shut her new office door as she put her things down she turned and looked around her new office and she was in love with it,the black leather couch with Dark blue walls,grey carpet flooring with a black oak wood desk to match the one piece black wall behind her black leather chair,as she came and sat down in it she was still awed in shock of what happened just 10 minutes ago of her being at work. She smiled as she typed away on her laptop letting her thoughts of earlier drift to back of her mind.

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